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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Another excellent afternoon...

Today has been a blast! We had lots of fun and laughter in each group. We did lots of activities such as Leap of Faith, Aerial Runway, Jacob's Ladder and Abseiling. Everyone had a go and we all encouraged each other. Lucy was anxious about the Aerial Runway. She was nervous and stood at the top for a long time. Everyone cheered and shouted for her to have a go and eventually she found the courage. We were really proud of her. After this we went onto Jacob's ladder.  I got onto the fifth pole. Mr Scott came to join us for the afternoon at this point. It was clear that he was really enjoying himself as he got straight onto the equipment with Zerrell - although he said it was just to check that all the equipment worked properly. We knew that he was having fun! It was great...

Inspiration Collaboration Empathy Excellence