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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Sofia updates us on the evening activities...

When we got to Kingswood, we were greeted by some kind people who were our instructors.  Then we had a talk and a tour around the centre (I wispered to my friends that I can’t wait for the leap of faith!) Next we grabbed all of our luggage and got taken to our rooms. We helped each other make our beds and unpack. Then, it was time for supper. I had curry and had a lovely strawberry cheesecake afterwards - it was delicious!

After the scrumptious meal, we all went outside and waited to go to our rooms so we could get changed into the right clothing for the activity. My group did climbing. It was really fun, even our group leader had a go! Next, we went to a murder mystery thing where we had to figure out who the suspect was. The person who killed the headmaster was…  (Played my teacher, Mr Scott who was in a dress and a wig)! I have really enjoyed the trip so far.

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