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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Elijah and Max B provide an update on the adventures so far...

When we arrived we settled into our room and put on our bedsheets and pillow covers on. At five o’clock we went down for dinner the menu was:

Bolognaise bake

Vegetarian curry

Chicken curry with potatoes, naan and rice

Strawberry cheesecake

We are trying to keep our rooms tidy but this is helped by the fact that they are quite small. There is not much room to walk in there but hopefully it will provide enough space to sleep. We are sharing with Finn, Arbias, Izaac, Roy C and George.

The evening activity after dinner was Trail of Mystery. It was a murder mystery and we had to find out who had killed the head teacher called Adam. Mr Scott (the Year 5 one) dressed up as Penelope, who was involved in the crime (no spoilers!) It was quite tricky to work out who had committed the murder as everyone had different opinions. We really enjoyed it.

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