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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Catriona celebrated her Birthday at Kingswood on Wednesday and shares her day with us...

Yesterday was the best day for a Birthday. We started off with a cooked breakfast – sausages, bacon, beans and hash browns - delicious.

When we had finished we went to Hendon Square to get ready for the activities. The first session was climbing. I managed to get all the way to the top. It was a lot of fun.

After that we had the nightline. For this we had to go through a maze with blindfolds on - it was super tricky. Everyone gave instructions to each other and it got a little confusing at points.

My favourite activity of the day was Leap of Faith. We had to climb onto a platform and then jump onto a trapeze. I got to them top but the bar was too far away.

In the evening we had a special campfire for my Birthday. Everyone sang to me and I gave out sweets. We were all tired but it was an amazing experience.

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