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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Celebrating Religious Festivals

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are keen to share children’s experiences of religious festivals, outside of school. A display of Autumn/Winter festivals is being created in the school hall. We would love some photographs of our children and families celebrating, to share in their classes and display in the hall. If anyone has photos of Eid or Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) celebrations that they would like to share, please email them to the office.

Diwali, Hanukah and Advent are fast approaching too! We want to celebrate as many faiths as possible in school, to reflect the whole of our school community.

We would also like to involve parents in talking to children about their religions and festivals, so please contact the office or speak to me if you would be willing to come into school and share your personal experiences of religious festivals and/or ways of living. You may have photographs or artefacts that you would be able to bring in and show groups of children or lend us for assembly. 

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Howarth  - RE Co-ordinator

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