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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

We've raised for BBC Children in Need

… and the grand total so far is…. £1,384.65

of child led fundraising!

What an incredible time we have had at school this year raising money for BBC Children In Need.  Starting with the “Leaders of Change” launch assembly and finishing with today's “Celebration of Champions” assembly, the children have in indeed overwhelmed us. This was an entirely child led project, from the children coming up with ideas for fundraising, organising and planning them to carrying them out. It has indeed proved the independence, creativity and collaborative strengths. The fundraising events were amazingly attended and great fun was had by all. In fact the school has been abuzz with children dancing, performing, reading, creating art, baking, dressing up watching films and running their own classes for the day! We are all exhausted but thrilled with how much we have raised for the appeal. Thank you so much for all your support and loose change! We’ll keep you posted on the final total following the PSA cake sale.  

Inspiration Collaboration Empathy Excellence