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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Urgent Nursey Dates

Christmas Concert Dates

Christmas Party Dates

Nursery Urgent Updates:

  • Nursery Parent Forum has changed date it is now Tuesday 1st December at 9.15am.

  • Friday 4th December— Daisy AM & PM trip to Kingston All Saints Church.

  • Daisy AM is closed on Tuesday 15th December, so all Daisy children can enjoy a Panto performance by Rainbow Theatre in the afternoon.

Christmas Concert Dates:

  • Nursery Christmas Concert: Friday 11th December 11.00am Daisy AM and 2.00pm Daisy PM

  • Reception Christmas Carols: Thursday 3rd December 9.15am

  • Year 1 Christmas Concert: Wednesday 9th December 9.15am

  • Year 2 Christmas Concert: Thursday 10th December 9.15am

  • KS2 Christmas Concert—All Saints Church: Wednesday 16th December 2.00pm

Christmas Party Dates

  • Nursery— Tuesday 15th December

  • Reception & KS1—Thursday 17th December

  • KS2—Tuesday 15th December

Class Reps will approach parents to ask for party food donations for the day. If you have ordered hot lunches for these days please remember to cancel them.

Inspiration Collaboration Empathy Excellence