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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

School Lunch Orders

Time to order School Lunches!

The new menu and order forms are now available on the website!   Please order your child’s lunches for the first half of the Spring term by Monday 7th December.

We have asked again for the children’s feedback on lunches and as a result have reintroduced the children’s favourite spaghetti bolognese, as well as keeping garlic bread and fish and chips firmly on the menu.  The children also asked for more fruit and salad choices which we will provide next term.  We will also be trying out healthier types of rice and pasta.

Thank you for all your Christmas lunch orders—the children and staff are looking forward to a delicious Christmas lunch on Wednesday 9th December!  Next half term we have planned a special Chinese New Year meal on Tuesday 9th February, so do make sure you order a meal for your child on that day.

Thank you to those parents who have let us know that they like the new excel order form—very nearly half of you used it, and found that it enables you to easily keep a copy of your order, as well as making the calculation of payment quick and easy.  Also, if you email it to us you don’t even need to use any paper!

Finally congratulations to Bracken class—100% of the children in Bracken placed a lunch order this half term!  Let’s see if any other class can match this!

Please submit your order form either by email to, or by hand to the school office by Monday 7th December 2015.  Don’t forget to make payment by this date too.

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