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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Year 6 Junior Citizenship Trip

On Monday, Year 6 went on an exciting trip to Kingsmeadow where the Junior Citizenship Programme was held. After a long journey on the bus, we arrived exhausted and soaked at the venue for a worthwhile trip. Once we reached the stadium, we enjoyed our lunches before being split up into groups for the activities. There were 9 different scenarios such as; stranger danger, bus safety, train safety, fire safety, first aid, water safety, drug protection, information about graffiti and road investigation.

Each group was given a score card which would determine how well we behaved and listened as a group for each activity. The winning group – with a record breaking score of 91 out of 90 was “3 is the number” as they received a bonus point in the train safety scene. Well done! All of the other groups deserve a massive well done for their excellent effort and participation during the whole trip. We ended our trip with a Capri-sun provided by the staff and headed back to school for the end of the day.

By Stella, Vanessa and Amy

Inspiration Collaboration Empathy Excellence