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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Catch Me Reading Competition with great prizes to be won!

Catch Me Reading Competition with great prizes to be won!

Over the summer term you are challenged to do some extreme reading (safety): celebrating books and the pleasure of reading them.

To enter you need to get a photo of you being caught reading some where unusual, funny or surprising!  You might be posing with a book up a mountain, relaxing with a summer read in a hammock or visiting somewhere amazing, or unexpected. Let your imagination fly!

Just get someone to take a photo and enter the Get Caught Reading competition. Your face or head does not have to be in the photo and the idea is to celebrate books and readers. The photos will be used for display to promote reading at Fern Hill.

All Fern Hill staff have been invited to take part so look forward to seeing some of their photos on the competition board!

To enter print off your photo and put it in the yellow box in the library with your name and class on the back. 

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