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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Sports Day Information 2016




Dear Parents,

Once again, we will be holding our annual Sports Day at Dinton Field this year on Thursday 26th May. The KS1 events will take place in the morning and KS2 events in the afternoon with a whole school picnic lunch, which we invite you to attend.

KS1 Sports Day will run from 9:15am to 11:30am. There will be a team parade at 11:30am followed by a whole-school picnic lunch. KS2 Sports Day will take place between 12:30pm and 3:00pm.

All KS1 children will need to be dropped directly at Dinton Field between 8:50 and 9:10am where their class teacher will be waiting. Please do not take your KS1 child to school in the morning as all of the staff will be at Dinton Field. This will enable us to get the events underway as promptly as possible. The children will walk back to school with their class teacher in time for afternoon classes and be dismissed from school at the end of the day.

KS2 children should go to school as normal in the morning and will be brought to Dinton Field by their class teachers at 11:30am. After a picnic lunch, they will have their Sports Day which should finish at around 3:00pm. Please can you collect your KS2 child from Dinton Field at 3:00pm. This should enable any parents with children in KS1 to collect them from school on time. In order to ensure the children’s safety, please be patient when collecting your child at the end of the day as class teachers will need to sign each child off on their register.

Please be aware that there is No Parking at Dinton Field. Walking will be the easiest method to get to and from the event. Dinton Field is behind Latchmere School and adjacent to St Agatha’s school.

Your support at Sports Day is always warmly appreciated and the children really do enjoy you being part of their day. We would kindly ask that you make yourselves comfortable at the top end of the field (by the hut where the PSA will be serving teas and coffees) where you will have a great view of all the events. If you wish to move around the field to watch each of your children’s events, please can you stay on the outside edge of the field away from the central area. This will enable the children to take part in the events safely and everybody else will have a clear view of all events. You are welcome to take photos on the day but please take care not to publish these photos or put them on a public website.

Please could you ensure that your child is dressed for the whole day in a t-shirt which represents their house colour (Richmond = Green, Coombe = Blue, Hampton = Red, Kingston = Yellow), a pair of shorts, trainers and a cap. They will also need a named bottle of water. Please apply suncream before your child comes to school.

If you would like to join in our picnic lunch, please collect your child from their class ‘base’ when lunchtime is signalled. The class teachers will have a ticklist in order for them to monitor your child’s whereabouts. Please be patient when collecting your child and make sure that the teacher has ticked their name before you take them. You will then be responsible for your child until they return to their teacher.

To save your child carrying a lunchbox to Dinton Field, if you know that you will be attending, please could you keep their lunch with you until needed. At the end of lunchtime, the children will need to be returned to class teachers where registers will be taken to ensure that everyone is back safely.

Children who are pupil premium and are entitled to a free school meal will have their lunch provided. Everybody else in KS1 and KS2 must bring their own packed lunch.


  • KS1 children to be dropped at Dinton Field between 8:50 and 9:10am and collected from school at 3:15pm as normal
  • KS2 children to be dropped at school as normal in the morning and collected from Dinton Field at 3:00pm
  • All children to be dressed in house colours.
  • Picnic lunch so all children will need a packed lunch.

We hope that you enjoy our Sports Day and that the children have a fun and active day.

Hope to see you there,

Mrs Palmieri


Fern Hill Sports Day

I will eating a picnic lunch with my child on Sports Day. I understand that they will be my responsibility during this time until they are returned to their class teacher.

Child’s name: _______________________

Class: _____________________________


Signed ___________________________



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