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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Year 6 Memories of Fern Hill

Elder Class

Lilia H

"I have really enjoyed the seven years that I have been at Fern Hill.  I have made some great friends and enjoyed some fantastic experiences.”

Aquib U

"I have had an amazing time at Fern Hill, meeting new people and having great experiences. I loved all my trips and I will miss everyone at Fern Hill!"

Daniel R

"I have really enjoyed my time at Fern Hill, especially the year 5 residential. I will miss all my friends."

Josh D

"My highlights at Fern Hill have included the football tournaments and all sports activities!"

Sadra D

"Fern Hill is a great school. I really enjoyed this year sports day and never forget it."

Henry R-M

"Fernhill has been so much fun as well as hard but I have enjoyed each and every moment."

Avalon P

"Fern hill is a great school and the teachers are brilliant, kind and they help you when your feeling down."

Alex I

"It has been great fun at Fern Hill. The teachers are friendly and have accepted me for who I am. I hope I can find my way around Greycourt!"

Joel B

"I'll miss my friends but I'll have the happy memories of school with my friends."

Sam N

"Fern Hill’s been fun and I am looking forward to Grey Court."

Sam F

"Can't believe my time at Fern Hill is coming to an end! From Daisy Class to Year 6, I've had such a great time at Fern Hill - I'll miss everyone, and especially our football lunchtimes!"

James Y

"Loved going to school at Fern Hill. Had some amazing school trips and made some great friends!"

Holly W

"Sad to leave Fern Hill but I'm excited to move on. My favourite memory will be the Year 5 Kingswood Residential. Going to miss everyone and good luck!"

Aidan B

"I’ve loved being in Fernhill and I’m going to really miss all the fun times I’ve had here. It will be very sad to leave."

Marlowe G

"Running and winning the race is good but all my friends at Fern Hill is better." 

Nathan A

"Fern Hill has been such a great experience and I have truly enjoyed every moment. It’s such a shame that I will have to be leaving this school."

Katie W

"I enjoyed the year 5 school journey, it was really fun. I also liked the year 6 cinema trip. I will miss everyone but will always remember my time at Fern Hill"

Jack P

"I can’t believe I am leaving Fern Hill after eight fabulous years. I have loved all the trips out especially the one in Year 5 to Kent.”

Christina K

"Thank you to all teachers that have helped me. I really enjoyed the trips in both year 5 and 6."

George B

"Thanks to my friends and teachers at Fern Hill for making my time with you such fun - I'll miss you all."

Ozee O

"Life is as snazzy as you make it so make it snaztastic!

Thanks for all the great times Fern Hill."

Florence B

"School Journey in Year 5 was great fun and I have really enjoyed being with all my friends at Fern Hill."

Stanley S

"Fern Hill was lots of fun.  We did so many good school trips!   I will miss it."

Oak Class

Dillon W

"Mr Skelton you are my favourite teacher in Primary School.You are funny and kind.I did learn a lot of things from you and it will help me in my future.Thank you very much for everything's . Lots of love Dillon."

Aaron D

"Fern Hill is amazing and I've made a lot of awesome friends: Rami A-R, Dilan K, Dillon W, Alfie M, Jude A to name a few and the rest you know who you are!!!"

Rami A-R

"I enjoyed making many friends especially Aaron D. and Dilan K. The teachers and staff were also kind."

Jude A

"Amazing Friends  X  Amazing School = Amazing time. 

Bye Everyone!"

Raeef H-R

''It's been my favourite year i've ever had at school because my teachers have been brilliant and I've made good friends. I will be sad to leave but can't wait to start at TKA in September.''

Rohan B

"I have had an extraordinary time in Fern Hill, not a thing that I do not like about it! I enjoyed finding new friends, getting to know them more. JUST UNFORGETTABLE!!!"

Delara Z

"My time at Fernhill has been impeccable and unreplaceable. Thank you to all of my friends, teachers and every other person, who made these years wonderful for me!!!"

Nol B

"I met you for just a short time but you will always be on my mind. I will miss everyone in OAK class, trips we took together and sports day, in my memory will last!"

Sara S

"I have really enjoyed my time at Fern Hill! I will really miss the staff and all my friends :)"

Milan A

"I've had a wonderful time at Fern Hill. The best part was when we went away from home for four days. I am going to miss my friends..."

Kevin T

"Loved the P.E teaching and all the trips!"

Stephanie T

"I had a great time at Fern Hill, one of my favourite memories was when we did our street dance. I will miss my friends."

Alfie M

"I enjoyed year 6, especially all the epic trips and I can't wait for Wacky Wednesday."

Josh B

"I've loved my time at Fern Hill and I have made many friends. Goodbye and good luck everyone!"

Amelie H

"I really enjoyed my primary school years.  There have been lots of great experiences; my favourite has to be the Street Dance in Year 6.  I will miss everyone loads."

Cressida C

"I really enjoyed the year 5 residential and will miss fern hill , but am looking forward to going to secondary school."

Nicole M

"I've had a great time at Fern Hill and have made lots of great friends!"

Hannah M

"I’ve had some fabulous times whilst at Fern Hill. I will miss my friends and teachers very much."

Honey B

"I’m going to miss all my friends, but excited to make new ones! I had some great times – especially Kingswood!"

Samantha W

"I am going to miss Fern Hill and everything about it, especially my friends. My favourite time was the week at Kingswood and I will never forget it."

Omar C

"I have had an amazing experience at Fern Hill Primary School that I will cherish with fond memories for the rest of my life and will miss it and everyone there greatly."

Faraz G

"I had a fantastic time at Fern Hill and really enjoyed the year 5 Sports day.
I will miss playing football with boys and playtime with Nicole and Honey."

Charlie A

"I've really enjoyed my time at Fern Hill and have made so many good friends. I wish everybody lots of luck in their secondary schools and I hope to keep in touch. Love Charlie"


Willow Class

Amber M

"I love art - it is very relaxing. I have made great friends in different year groups. The Y5 school trip was amazing! I am looking forward to secondary school."

Rhiannon T-M

"I loved my time at Fern Hill, and I will miss everybody, but secondary school is a chance for great new opportunities!"

Vanessa N

"My 5 years of fun here at Fern Hill flew by and have finally come to an end - will miss everyone and treasure the great memories of primary school."

Jonny S

"I have enjoyed Fern Hill a lot from Daisy Class to Year 6. The fairs and parties were great. I have also made many good friends."

Arun S

"I have had a wonderful time at Fern Hill.  I have made so many good friends that I've shared great memories with. I am sad to leave."

Ali T

"It was a fun experience at Fern Hill and going to Kent was the best part!  Gonna miss it all."

Leo M

"I've had an amazing time at Fern Hill - I loved all the trips, especially Kingswood and Kidzania. I'll miss everyone!"

Conor S

"Really loved our Kingswood trip in year 5.  Awesome! Have had a fab time at Fern Hill and will miss everyone."

Anna R

"I totally enjoyed my time at Fern Hill, especially Year 6!"

Dylan Y

"I have made many happy memories at Fern Hill since my first day in the nursery.  It has been lots of fun and I'm sure I will miss it!"

Owen C

"Yr 6 ruled!"

Josh B

"I enjoyed my time at Fern Hill, especially Y3. I made lots of friends and learned great things."

Stella A-A

"Fern Hill has not only taught me lifelong skills but also gave me opportunities to gain awesome friends. Shout-out to all teachers who made this an incredible journey. #GoodbyeFernhill"

Clara F

"If you like water, you already like 70% of me."

Amy G

"My time at Fernhill is a memory I'll treasure forever."

Dani P

"Fern Hill has been fun as I have made so many good friends and learnt so much. I will always remember my time there."

Rawan R

"I loved all the friends and support I got from all people around Fern Hill!"

Alara T

"Most of my happy memories are from my time at Fern Hill."

Gabriele B

"I made good friends and liked my year 5 and 6 teachers, and the great Mr L. Good luck for your lives!"

Elianna C

"I've been at Fern Hill since Daisy class & I've enjoyed all of it. I've enjoyed all of the trips but my favourites were the Houses of Parliament and the Tate Britain. I will miss everyone from Fern Hill."


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