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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Governors Bulletin Summer 2017

This is an important term for children preparing for their end of key stage assessments. At the end of last term governors reviewed progress towards the targets it set for attainment the end of year two and year six. They were pleased to note that the evidence indicates these targets will be met and there is strong support in place to help pupils achieve their potential.

There will be a vacancy on our governing body for a parent member this term. Arrangements have been made for an election over the next few weeks. The governors would like to encourage parents to take part in this election, either as candidates or as voters. We hope you will not be suffering from election fatigue.

The Curriculum and Assessment Committee have asked for an evaluation of the outstanding teaching programme for the end of this term. They see this as a key strategy for raising even further the quality of education at our school. They are also monitoring the mastery initiative that is developing out of the new national assessment system and already have evidence of how in mathematics it is moving children from fluency to being effective problem solvers. Committee members were also reassured that steps being taken to support disadvantaged pupils were bearing fruit as the attainment gap between these and other pupils was narrowing.

The Children, Families and Community Committee have been reviewing the findings of the Nursery Working Group. Recruitment into our nursery has been healthy and there is no urgent need to consider the Government’s 30 hour provision initiative. However, should there be a vacancy in the nursery then additional hours may be offered to eligible families including those already holding a 15 hour place. The parent survey to take place this term is being finalised and the Committee urge parents to complete the survey so that the school has feedback from as many of our parent community as possible.

The Finance, Resources and Premises Committee were pleased that at the end of the 2016-17 financial year, expenditure came within budget. Finances continue to be tight, but a balanced budget has been set for next year although we are having to think hard about how we renew some of our more expensive IT equipment. To this end, our Voluntary Fund has ensured we can sustain a renewal programme for our ageing interactive white boards: the Governing Body would like to thank again all those who have contributed. We will always welcome new subscribers to the fund and this will enable us to be more ambitious in our provision of technology to support children’s learning.

Governors have been involved in the recruitment of new staff for the next school year. They have been pleasantly surprised by the quality of applicants despite the concerns nationally about teacher shortages. As a result we have made some excellent appointments who will ensure the standards and values of the school are maintained.

Inspiration Collaboration Empathy Excellence