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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Computing Open Morning

We were really pleased that so many parents took the time to attend our first ever Computing Open morning and very happy that they enjoyed finding out what we have been doing this year.

Comments & Feedback:

'Absolutely amazing. A wonderful demonstration of the computer skills that they will need in later life.'

'I am impressed at how you have embraced the new KS2 Computing curriculum and how much you cover. Not many schools prepare their children so thoroughly.'

'A lovely opportunity to see the children learning about the positive and constructive side to technology, across many different areas of the industry.'

'Always great to see kids having their interest sparked and helping to end the gender imbalance in a very male-dominated industry.'

'Very impressed with the variety of learning tools for computing. Good fun whilst they learn.'

 'Really engaged children, eager to share their knowledge.'

'Super work and the children were so confident in explaining their work. They were clearly really proud of their work too

A big 'Thank you' from Mrs Hui to all the student helpers - you were polite and enthusiastic and a credit to your school.

Click this link to our computing page to view some photographs.

Inspiration Collaboration Empathy Excellence