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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

We're making our Internet safer today! 

Safer Internet Day will be celebrated in over one hundred countries this week with the theme ‘Together for a better Internet’. Co-ordinated by the UK Safer Internet Centre, the day is all about promoting the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people. Last year’s Safer Internet Day was the biggest ever with over one thousand schools and organisations across the UK inspiring a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively.

During their Computing lessons this week, Fern Hill children will focus on how consent works in an online context and explore how they ask, give, and receive consent online. This could be in their friendships or relationships, how they take and share images and videos or how they manage their privacy and data.

Everyone has their part to play in making the Internet a better, safer place and the UK Safer Internet Centre website offers a range of resources for parents and carers to download including top tips, conversation starters and fun activities to do with your child, and a family internet safety plan. They also have a brilliant social media guide which provides information on the safety features available on these popular social networks.

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