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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Our annual Parent & Carer Survey is now available online for families to complete, to give us your views about Fern Hill and your child’s experience here.

You can access the survey via this link:

We very much value the feedback of our parent and carer community to encourage your participation we are offering an incentive! The year group which receives the most survey responses will enjoy their own mufti (non-uniform) day later this term. The survey is designed to enable you to complete a questionnaire for each of your children attending Fern Hill so if you have more than one child here, please take the opportunity to do a survey for each. More than one parent can also complete a survey for each child.

We will share the results of the survey with you before the end of the school year and progress on the actions plan to address any issues raised during the autumn term.

If you would prefer to complete the survey in writing, rather than online, paper copies are available from the school office. The survey will be open until Monday 10th June.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey; we look forward to receiving your feedback.

Inspiration Collaboration Empathy Excellence