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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Updated Key Worker Survey Available

The Government has now provided clarification on the criteria for ‘key workers’ for whom we are being asked to provide childcare.

If your work is critical to the COVID-19 response or you work in one of the critical sectors listed below AND you cannot keep your child safe at home then your children will be prioritised for education provision.

If this applies to you, please complete the updated Key Worker Survey available via this link by 1.00 pm today:

You should complete this survey even if you have already completed the survey we sent out on Wednesday because we have added important questions regarding your specific requirements for childcare.

Please note that if your children can be cared for safely at home, they should, to limit the spread of the virus, even if you are classified as a key worker. This provision is for essential need only – for children who absolutely need to attend.

Once you have completed the survey, we will contact you to confirm your eligibility for our provision. If eligible, you must make a regular commitment for your child to attend for full school days for the duration of the school closure – this includes the Easter holiday period. We cannot offer a part-time or ad-hoc drop off facility.

As I’m sure you appreciate, we are operating on increasingly reduced staffing levels as more and more members of staff are forced to self-isolate. This means we will have to consider the safety and welfare of everyone at on the school site on an on-going basis; if we cannot meet the staff to pupil ratio required, we will be unable to continue the service. Please help us by considering whether this service is absolutely essential for you.

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