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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Join the Kingston Music Service Midsummer Music Festival!

The Kingston Music Service (KMS) Midsummer Music Festival promises to be an action-packed week of events - from bands, orchestras and an all-age gospel choir, to ukulele and guitar groups and a Stomp-style percussion workshop. Whatever your age or ability, you can experience the joy of making music with others - albeit online - and for the choir and percussion group you don't even need any specialist equipment.

You can find out more about the programme of workshops and events at the KMS website here: 

KMS have just announced an extra workshop to the programme: a singing workshop aimed at children in Years 3-6, the Virtual Children’s Choir. 

Virtual Children's Choir (age 7-11)

Tuesday 30 June, 4pm

We are fortunate to have the inspirational Voices Foundation practitioner Matthew Roughley to run a singing workshop aimed at children in school years 3-6. It will include a vocal warm up and musical games alongside learning a range of fun songs that will lift your spirits and put a spring in your step. 

To book for this - or for any other activity - please click on the link above and complete the registration form. 

Booking Information

To book for any of the other workshops, please click on the link below and complete the registration form.

Ticket prices

£7.50 for one workshop

£15 for individual ‘passport’ - one person can attend as many workshops as they want

£30 for family ‘passport’ - all family members can attend as many workshops as they want

Family passports are free to Looked After Children and anyone in receipt of Free School Meals

Workshop Schedule 

Tuesday 30 June

4pm - Virtual Children's Choir

4pm - Virtual String Sinfonia

5.30pm - Virtual String Orchestra

Wednesday 1 July

4pm - Virtual Percussion Band

Thursday 2 July

4.30pm - Beginner Virtual Band

6.30pm - Bigger Band Play-along

Friday 3 July

7pm - Adult guitar & ukulele group

Saturday 4 July

10am - Adult band

11am - All-age Gospel Choir

12pm - Beginner piano ensemble

2pm - Virtual guitar & ukulele band

Inspiration Collaboration Empathy Excellence