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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Please don't forget that school closes early on Thursday 15th October for parent consultation appointments. The children will be dismissed at earlier times than usual.

To manage footfall on the school site, collection times for year groups will be staggered as follows:

1:55 pm – Year 6 and Year 4 (children in Year 6 with parental permission to walk home alone, will be dismissed at 1.55 pm)
2:00 pm – Year 5 and Reception
2:05 pm – Year 3 and Year 2 (Bracken class will be dismissed from the infants (KS1) playground via the door into the school building)
2:10 pm – Year 1 and Nursery

Children who are not collected on time will be asked to line up along The Kingston Academy fence, opposite the main school entrance, in their class bubbles, and will be supervised by a member of staff. If you are late, please go directly to the main school entrance to collect your child. Thank you.

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