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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

World Book Day - at home & at school!

Thursday 4th March is World Book Day and to celebrate, we are sharing a choice of fun activities (inspired by reading of course!) for the children to take part in at home. 


Look out for a grid of reading challenges on Google Classroom, or on Tapestry for Reception children. We'd love to share what everyone is doing so please do post any photos of the children completing the activities back on the Classroom or on Tapestry.


Look out too for the details of live webinars and events happening on Wednesday and Friday for children in Years 3-6 and Thursday for children in Reception - Year 2. We will be posting the web links in the mornings.  


We can’t wait to get back to school next week and what better way to mark the occasion than celebrate another World Book Day all together, as a whole school!


Our ‘at school’ World Book Day will take place on Thursday 11th March. Dressing up as a book character is optional but we will be running lots of exciting activities throughout the day, all based around the wonder of reading.


To find out more about World Book Day, click here.

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