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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Royal Academy of Arts Young Artists' Summer Show

This year, we’ve registered again for the the Young Artists’ Summer Show – an open submission exhibition run by the Royal Academy of Arts for young people aged 5 - 19 years. It’s a fantastic opportunity for talented young artists to exhibit their work online and on-site at the Royal Academy. Children can submit up to three artworks of any type using any medium. It can be a painting, sculpture, photograph, installation, video, drawing, or a combination. There is no theme so artworks can be of any subject. 

You don’t need to send anything to school - you can submit your child’s work as a photo (jpeg image) directly via the Royal Academy’s website here. You will just need to select us as your child’s school and include a short summary written that includes the title of their piece, a description of it and the material they have used. You can find out more here.

The closing date for entries to the Royal Academy is 26th April. A panel of award-winning artists and arts professionals will judge the artworks and the public will also be able to vote for their favourite artwork in the People’s Choice Awards. Prizes will be awarded for two inspiring artworks from each key stage, as chosen by the President of the Royal Academy. 

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