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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Reinhardt moves summer term classes online - Reinhardt University

Welcome Back to the Summer Term

Welcome back to school; we hope all our families had a lovely Easter break. This summer term will be our busiest for quite some time! Please take note of the key dates linked here.

We are really looking forward to Sports Day on Friday 20th May when our whole community can come together once again to celebrate the children’s achievements. We are planning to run with the usual format of Reception, Year 1 & 2 in the morning, Years 3 through to 6 in the afternoon and a whole school picnic lunch in between. Sports Day will be held locally, off the school site, and further details will be sent out as soon as possible.

There are lots of trips and visits planned, a book signing with author Cath Howe, Platinum Jubilee celebrations and of course some fantastic PSA events including a long awaited Summer Fair on 25th June.

Please don’t forget that we have an INSET day just before half-term on Friday 27th May when school is closed. School will finish at the usual time on Thursday 26th May and reopen on Monday 6th June.

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