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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Reception & Daisy Class Dynamic Dads! 

Reception Classes

Richard Cook, dad of Sunflower Class's Joshua, writes about a special morning in Reception

“On one of the hottest days of the year, this probably represented the perfect antidote to enduring a sweltering commute.

Dads, grandads, uncles and carers joined Poppy, Bluebell and Sunflower class for a "Dynamic Dads" morning. The children were almost as excited as their elder companions as we all joined in with various activities including biscuit decorating, den building and reading. The water- based activities were the most popular, however, and ensured that all involved got a good soaking! A fantastic morning was rounded off by a song and some rather protracted farewell hugs. Thank you to all the Reception Team for giving us a brief glimpse into the fantastic work you do with our children. Everyone left with a smile on their face and although I arrived late to work and covered in icing sugar, somehow that didn't matter!”

Daisy Class

Daisy class have invited Dads to join us this week. The children have enjoyed showing their Daddies what they like to do. We have had fun building dens, constructing a marble run, hammering golf tees into vegetables, whittling carrots, creating exciting things in the craft area reading stories and much more! Thank you Dads for coming to Daisy class!

For more photographs of all the fun that took place please follow this link. 

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