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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

PSA Committee

The full list of Committee Members for the current academic year is attached below.

Roles & Responsibilities

There are two types of committee role in the PSA – a key role and an event owner role.

Key roles are defined in the PSA’s constitution and are required to ensure the organisation works well and fulfils its fundraising and community objectives. Event Owner roles are about leading and managing a specific event. A role on the PSA committee can be shared by any number of individuals and someone can also take on more than one role.

Key Roles

  1. Chair
    1. Lead the committee – ensure all roles are filled and support committee members to fulfil fundraising objectives
    2. Convene committee meetings & AGM – plan and set agenda, chair the meetings, follow-up on actions
    3. Set the calendar of PSA events in consultation with school and the committee
    4. Liaise with the SLT when necessary
  2. Vice-chair
    1. As above, to support, and in the absence of, the Chair
    2. Manage non-event income generation: easyfundraising and United Shoe Recycling
  3. Secretary
    1. Attend all meetings to record the minutes
    2. Ensure the right documentation is available at meetings including the agenda and previous minutes
    3. Maintain the PSA information on the Charity Commission website
  4. Treasurer
    1. Maintain on-going financial records on income and expenditure
    2. Provide an update on income and expenditure at meetings (can be via email)
    3. Prepare the annual accounts & submit to the Charity Commission
    4. Provide floats & reconcile money taken at each event
    5. Act as the primary contact for all banking required
    6. Manage all reimbursements/payments to school
    7. Manage the administration of year group cake sales, maintaining a record of sums raised by year groups and reimbursing staff/school as needed
  5. Events Co-ordinator
    1. Manage the calendar of PSA events including re-scheduling and supporting event owners
    2. Manage the calendar of year group cake sales including any rescheduling required
    3. Manage the PSA inventory of event supplies (catering & event specific)
    4. Liaise with the school office to secure resources needed for events e.g. classrooms & storage space
    5. Apply for Alcohol licences and St John Ambulance services
  6. Class Rep Co-ordinator
    1. Ensure every class is represented by at least one Class Rep at the beginning of the academic year and maintain a list of them
    2. Support the Class Reps by providing a weekly email template with information on upcoming PSA and school events/activities which they can tailor and send out to their parents
    3. Run a Class Reps meeting every half term to update the Class Reps on PSA event/activities
  7. Communications Officer
    1. Deliver all communications from the PSA to parents & children including newsletters, letters via ParentPay & book bags, posters and flyers
    2. Maintain the PSA pages of the school website & the PSA noticeboard
    3. Manage the PSA email account (
    4. Maintain the PSA noticeboard
    5. Work with the school Communications Officer to provide input to the school’s weekly newsletter

Event Owner roles for:

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Cauliflower Cards

Dads’ Breakfast

Fireworks Night

Children in Need

Christmas Fair

Theatre Trip

Quiz Night

Cinema Night

Bounce for Books

Second hand Uniform

Sports Day Café

Summer Fair

End of Year Parent’s Social

New Parent Events (Welcome Evenings & Café)

Inspiration Collaboration Empathy Excellence