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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Getting in touch with the PSA

Come along to the PSA’s Welcome event at the start of the school year or join one of the PSA Committee meetings that run every half term. You can find the dates of these meeting here on the school website and they are also published in the weekly school newsletter. Everyone is welcome at the Committee meetings whether actively involved in the PSA or not.

You can also talk to your Class Rep who will keep you up to date on PSA events and activities throughout the year. Look out for event bulletins and other communications from the PSA via parentmail  and keep an eye on the school website and PSA noticeboard outside school for the latest information.

We welcome all feedback and are always on the look out for ideas for new events! You can email the PSA at and one of us will get back to you.

Inspiration Collaboration Empathy Excellence