Key Dates
Monday 24th September
Nursery Parent Meeting, 9.00am & 2.45pm
Friday 28th September
PSA Macmillan Coffee Morning, 9.00 - 10.30am in the Small Hall
Wednesday 3rd October
PSA Welcome for new parents, 6.30 - 7.30pm in the Small Hall
PSA Annual General Meeting, 7.30 - 9.00pm in the Small Hall
Wednesday 3rd October
Flu Nasal Spray for Reception to Year 5 children
Friday 5th October
Parent Council meeting, 9.00 - 10.30am in the Small Hall
Friday 5th October
Year 6 cake sale
Monday 8th & Tuesday 9th October
School photographer in for individual & sibling photographs
Friday 12th October
PSA Dads' Breakfast, 8.00 - 8.45am in the Large Hall
Friday 12th October
Year 4 Trip to Butser Ancient Farm
Key dates for the Autumn term are now available on the website here and attached below.
Nursery & Reception Welcome
A warm welcome to our new families in Nursery and Reception. You will be able to find the presentation shown at your Parent Meeting and your child's Learning Map for the first half of this term on the website under the Nursery or Reception year group page. Please click on 'Year Groups' in the drop down Menu box to find your Year Group page.
Baby News
Congratulations to Mrs Manzambi, Bluebell class teacher, and Mrs Farr, Clover class teacher, who are both expecting a baby in the New Year!
Plea for Tissues...
School stock of tissues for the children to use are already low. Your class teacher would be very grateful for a box or two!
PSA News & Events
Don't forget we are hosting a Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 28th September in the Small Hall at school, after drop off between 9.00 and 10.30am.
We will provide teas, coffee and cold drinks but we need your help! Please, if you can, bring in cakes, cupcakes or biscuits - homemade or shop bought - to help support this most worthy charity. You can leave them on the trolley which will be outside the school reception doors on Friday morning or just bring them along with you. Pay what you can on the day, it’s all donations, any amount large or small is greatly appreciated - and every penny we raise goes straight to Macmillan.
PSA Welcome for New Parents on Wednesday 3rd October
We will be holding a welcome meeting for new parents at school on Wednesday 3rd October from 6.30 to 7.30pm in the Small Hall at school. This is a great opportunity to come along and find out more about what the PSA does, the events and activities we run throughout the year, and how you could get involved. We'd love to see lots of new faces there, so please do come along and say hello!
PSA Committee Meeting & 2017-18 AGM on Wednesday 3rd October
Our first committee meeting of the school year will be held after the New Parents' Welcome meeting, also in the Small Hall. All parents are welcome at this meeting, whether actively involved in the PSA or not. Please do come along.
The full calendar of PSA events for the school year is attached below. We look forward to seeing you at our events this year.
Parent Governor Election Letter
Key Dates for Parents for Autumn Term 2018
Year Group Weekly Newsletters
PSA Events Calendar 2018/19
Parent Governor Election
You will have received a letter this week via ParentPay from Mr Scott regarding a vacancy on the school’s Governing Body for a Parent Governor. If you would like to propose a candidate, please remember that the deadline for informing the school is midday on Tuesday 2nd October 2018. Prospective candidates should also submit a written personal statement (not exceeding 100 words) in support of their candidacy by this date. The original letter sent via ParentPay is attached below.
Please contact the Clerk to the Governing Body at if you would like further information about the election process or about governance at Fern Hill Primary School.
Year 6 in France
On Thursday, Year 6 set off on their two day adventure to Northern France. Despite the early, pre-dawn start of 5.00am, children and staff left with smiles on their faces!
"Following the journey onboard Le Shuttle, we ventured into the historic town of Albert situated in the Somme region. We collected our guide and began our exciting, educational tour of the battlefields and trenches of WW1. Both the children and adults were amazed to see the sheer size of Lochnagar, a crater measuring 100m wide across the top and 30m deep. From there we continued to the stunning memorial at Thiepval and the British and French war cemetery at its foot. The children were very respectful and were keen to search through some of the names of the missing soldiers, on the monument itself, for any familiar names. We continued our journey to the Canadian memorial at Newfoundland Park, where we were able to walk through the remains of trenches and listen to more stories of amazing hardship and bravery. Our day finished at the underground museum in Albert, where we were fascinated by the huge number of artefacts dug up from fields nearby. After a delicious dinner of poulet et frites, we headed to the hotel, exhausted!"
We're looking forward to welcoming everyone back later on today!
Year 1 meet the Toymaker
Year 1 had an awesome opener to their Toys topic for this half term with a visit from the Toymaker. The children took part in a curriculum focused history workshop where they were taken on a magical journey through the world of toys, comparing old with new and discovering the materials used in make toys in the past. The Toymaker taught them about the types of toys that Victorian children might have played with and they enjoyed trying the toys out themselves. All the children were very well behaved and had great fun!
Tree Tops - Important reminder of collection arrangements
If your child attends the Tree Tops breakfast or after school club, please may we remind you of the following:
Children can be dropped off for breakfast club between 7.30 am and 8.45 am. Please bring your child to the external doors of the Large Hall, past school reception, where a member of staff will let you in. Breakfast is served until 8.15 am.
If you are picking up your child from a Tree Tops after school session before 5.00 pm, collection is via the school office. After 5.00 pm, please go directly to the gates of the junior (KS2) playground and ring the doorbell, which is clearly marked. Tea is served to the children at 5.00 pm so please be patient as it may take us a little longer to get to the gate at this time!
For your child's safety, you must sign them in for their breakfast club session and sign them out of their after school session in person.
Healthy Lunches - Free Taster
On Thursday 4th October, we are offering all children a hot lunch, serving turkey or vegetarian burgers with our delicious fresh strawberry tart for dessert. Although this taster lunch is free, we do need to know how many children to cater for so if you haven't already ordered a meal for Thursday 4th October and would like your child to try a hot lunch, please email with the name of your child and their class, by midnight on Tuesday 25th September.
After School Club News
Please note there is NO Choir club running on Tuesday 25th September. A catch up session will be held on Tuesday 11th December.
There are still places available for the Pottery club where children can learn modelling techniques and create amazing sculptures. Pottery is a fantastic way to develop the fine motor skills needed for handwriting and all work is glazed and fired in a kiln for the children to take home. Past projects have included door plaques, pencil holders and toadstools! To book a place for your child, please contact Busy Lizzy Crafts directly by email at: or via text on: 07813087333.
Sporting News
On Tuesday, our girls' football team travelled to Chessington Community College to take part in an inter school tournament. They won all six games that they played thanks to their inspiring teamwork!
"The girls played fantastically and won! They were consistent and kept passing to each other and finding space. They rotated subs every match and cheered on their fellow team mates when they weren't playing. We never gave up, well done girls!"
- by Scarlet M and Georgi C
The overall winner this week is Coombe
Weekly Attendance
Well done to Year 5 who had the best year group attendance for this week.
The Attendance Cup is awarded to Bracken class who had the best class attendance with 99.7%
Year |
Attendance % | Star Year ★ |
Reception | 96.8% | |
Year 1 | 96.4% | |
Year 2 | 95.6% | |
Year 3 | 97.6% | |
Year 4 | 97.8% | |
Year 5 | 98.2% | Well done! |
Year 6 | 97.7% |