Key Dates
Monday 14th January
Year 6 Oak & Elder classes visit the Imperial War Museum
Wednesday 16th January
Year 1 visit the Kingston Mosque
Thursday 17th January
PSA Committee meeting, 7.30-9.00 pm in the Small Hall
Friday 18th January
Parent Council meeting, 9.00-10.30 am in the Small Hall
Monday 21st - Friday 25th January
Arts Week in school
Monday 21st January
Year 6 Oak & Willow classes visit the Clapham Magistrates' Court
Thursday 24th January
Heather class parent assembly at 9.00 am in the Large Hall
Thursday 24th January
Year 3 visit the Natural History Museum
Friday 25th January
Year 6 visit Tate Britain
Monday 28th January
Year 6 Elder class visit the Clapham Magistrates' Court
Thursday 31st January
Beech class parent assembly at 9.00 am in the Large Hall
Thursday 31st January
Year 5 visit the Buddhist Temple
Tuesday 5th February
School tour for prospective parents to Nursery at 2.00 pm
Thursday 7th February
Year 5 visit the British Museum
Thursday 7th February
Bracken class parent assembly, 9.00 am in the Large Hall
Thursday 7th February
School tour for prospective parents to Nursery at 10.00 am
Thursday 7th February
Arts Week Exhibition for parents, 3.30 - 5.00 pm
Friday 8th February
Arts Week Exhibition for parents, 3.30 - 5.00 pm
Friday 8th February
Year 6 cake sale at 3.00 pm
Friday 8th February
PSA Cinema Night, 5.25 - 7.45 pm
Key dates for the spring term are available on the website here.
Lost Property
There are two lost property boxes outside school, one in the infant playground at the front of the school which is located next to the fire exit doors and another in the junior playground at the rear of the school which is outside Yew classroom. Items of lost property will be left in these boxes for two weeks after time it will be bagged and placed on a table outside school reception at the end of every half term.
Kingston Music Service Lessons
If your child has a music lesson with Kingston Music Service during the school day, please remember that lessons start next week, week of 14th January, and to send your child into school with their instrument.
You can contact KMS by email on:
Year Group Newsletters
Pleiades February Holiday Camp
Clubs Collection Point Map
Collection Points for Clubs
Applications for Reception & Nursery
The closing date for applications for a place in Reception is next Tuesday 15th January. Applications should be made online through the Pan London eAdmissions website. An admissions booklet is available to help guide you through the admissions process and you can access the Primary School Admissions Brochure 2019 for Kingston borough schools here.
Applications for Nursery are now open and should be made directly to the school by Friday 8th March. An application form for our Nursery is available on our website here and you can also ask for a paper copy at the school office. Further information on Nursery schools in Kingston, including the funding provision and the admissions process, can be found in the Nursery education in Kingston schools booklet which is downloadable from the Admissions page on our website.
We are running a series of school tours for parents who are interested in applying for a place in Nursery. The dates are available here.
Baby News
We are delighted to inform you that Mrs Manzambi, our Bluebell class teacher last term, has given birth to a beautiful baby girl who has the equally beautiful name of Zendaya. Zendaya and Mrs Manzambi are both doing really well.
Plea for tissues!
School stock of tissues for the children to use are very low. We would be very grateful for any boxes you can spare. Please hand them into the school office. Thank you.
Happy New Year and welcome back to all our families.
We hope you had a relaxing break and are looking forward to the exciting term ahead!
Fern Hill Arts Week
Our annual Arts Week will be running from Monday 21st to Friday 25th January and we are excited to let you know that the theme this year is ‘Stories and Illustrators’!
Each year group will be exploring different artists, illustrators and artistic styles for the week, creating some fabulous artwork and learning lots of new creative skills along the way.
All the children’s artwork will be put up on display around the school and families are invited to come into school on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th February, from 3.30 – 5.00 pm, to view the exhibition. We look forward to seeing you there!
February Half Term Holiday Camp at Fern Hill
We are pleased to announce that Pleiades will be running a half term holiday camp here at Fern Hill from Monday 18th to Friday 22nd February for children aged 4 to 12 years old.
Pleiades is a UK based organisation which offers specialised coaching in fitness and sport to children of all abilities in schools and sports clubs around the country and they currently teach our own outdoor PE provision to children in Years 3 to 6.
The Pleiades team are planning an exciting and active week, including multi-sport games, lazer tag and nerf wars! Both full and half days (either morning or afternoon) can be booked with the option of an early start (8 am) or extended day (5 pm).
Places are available to book online now on the Pleiades website here.
If you have any questions, please contact Pleiades directly by telephone on 01483 270160 or email at
Road Safety Competition
A message from our Junior Travel Ambassadors:
'We are the Junior Travel Ambassadors - JTAs. We are running a competition for children in KS1 and KS2. We would like them to write a poem of any length, about road safety. We want Fern Hill children to be safe on the road! The closing date is Friday 25th January 2019. You can post your poems in the green box in the junior library. Thank you!’
- Laura, Salma and Tanisha, Year 6 JTAs
The Junior Travel Ambassador (JTA) scheme is a London-wide educational programme run by Transport for London which is designed to promote safer, active and independent travel within the school community, building important road safety skills in a fun and engaging way.
Our JTA team is responsible for promoting walking, cycling or scooting to school, and road safety, to the children. You can find out more about the scheme and the role of a JTA on the Transport for London website here.
The Junior Travel Ambassador scheme is an element of the work we do at Fern Hill to earn our STARS accreditation. STARS, which stands for Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe, is Transport for London’s accreditation scheme for schools and nurseries to inspire children and their families to travel to school sustainably, actively, responsibly and safely by championing walking, scooting and cycling. STARS supports pupils' wellbeing, helps to reduce congestion at the school gates and improve road safety and air quality.
After School & Lunchtime Clubs News
All our after school and lunchtime clubs begin next week, Monday 14th January, and will run for 10 weeks, with the exception of Gardening club which starts after February half term on Wednesday 27th February. You can view and download the dates for this term here. Masquerade Theatre Arts run with slightly different dates which are posted here.
Please be aware that the KS2 gates will no longer be used as a collection point for clubs and the collection points for many other clubs have changed for this term. Please see the attachments below for details of where to collect your child from.
Don’t forget that if your child will be attending a Tree Tops session after their club, from 4.30 pm, this session MUST be booked on ParentPay three days in advance.
The following clubs are now full: Magpie Makes Sewing, Start to Sing, Technokids Computer club, Chess for Beginners and Junior Football for Year 5 & 6.
We have spaces in all other clubs and if you would like a place for your child for next week, please email or telephone the school office on 020 8247 0300.
Orchestra club are on the look-out for new players to join! If your child plays a musical instrument, other than the guitar, and has been having lessons for at least two terms, please get in touch. Please note that there is a waiting list for pianists.
Team Points
The overall winner this week is RICHMOND
PSA News & Events
PSA Committee Meeting on Thursday 17th January
Our first committee meeting of the spring term is next week on Thursday 17th January, from 7.30pm in the Small Hall. All parents are very welcome to attend, whether you are currently actively involved with the PSA or not. We look forward to seeing you there.
Cinema Night on Friday 8th February
A date for your diaries – Cinema Night will take place on Friday 8th February, from 5.25pm to 7.45pm. Please note this is an event for KS2 children only (Years 3-6). There will be lots more details about Cinema Night coming soon and tickets will go on sale outside school during the week of January 21st. In the meantime, we will need plenty of parent volunteers to help out on the night, so please do email if you’re able to help or talk to your class rep.
Thank you and a Happy New Year!
Fern Hill PSA
Weekly Attendance
Well done to Year 5 who have the best year group attendance for this week, AGAIN!.
This week the Attendance Cup goes to Sycamore class for the best class attendance with 100%.
Year | Attendance % | Star Year ★ |
Reception | 94.3% | |
Year 1 | 90.6% | |
Year 2 | 96.7% | |
Year 3 | 96.4% | |
Year 4 | 95.6% | |
Year 5 | 98.8% | Well done! |
Year 6 | 96.8% |
Nursery Newsletter 11th January 2019
Reception Newsletter 11th January 2019
Year 1 Newsletter 11th January 2019
Year 2 Newsletter 11th January 2019
Year 3 Newsletter 11th January 2019
Year 4 Newsletter 11th January 2019
Year 5 Newsletter 11th January 2019
Year 6 Newsletter 11th January 2019
Pleiades February Holiday Camp
Collection Points for Clubs - Spring Term 2019 PARENTS
Clubs Collection Points Map