Key Dates
Monday 8th July
Year 1 Summer Concert at 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Monday 8th July
Nursery Summer Concert at 11.00 am & 2.45 pm in the Small Hall
Tuesday 9th July
Year 2 Summer Concert at 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Tuesday 9th July
Year 6 Production Performance at 6.00 pm in the Large Hall
Wednesday 10th July
Year 6 Production Performance at 9.30 am in the Large Hall
Wednesday 10th July
Reception to Year 1 Transition Talk for parents at 9.15 am in the Small Hall
Thursday 11th July
Reception Summer Concert at 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Thursday 11th July
Year 6 visit Kew Gardens
Thursday 11th July
Year 5 Micro Society assembly at 2.00 pm in the Large Hall
Thursday 11th July
Pupil End of Year Reports sent home
Thursday 11th July
PSA Committee meeting at 7.30 pm in the Small Hall
Friday 12th July
Year 6 visit Albany Outdoors
Friday 12th July
Class change-over day - children visit their new classes
Nursery closed - children joining Nursery & Reception in September visit
Tuesday 16th July
Year 1 visit Tudor Drive Library
Tuesday 16th July
Computing Open Afternoon for Years 3 & 4 at 3.30 pm
Wednesday 17th July
Year 3 Recorder & Year 5 Clarinet Showcase for parents at 2.30 pm in the Large Hall
Thursday 18th July
Year 6 Leavers' Assembly at 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Year 6 Leavers' Disco at 5.30 pm in the Large Hall
Thursday 18th July
Computing Open Afternoon for Years 5 & 6 at 3.30 pm
Friday 19th July - last day of term & mufti (non-uniform) day
School closes at 1.30 pm
Children return to school on Thursday 5th September
Last day of term
The last day of term is fast approaching! On Friday 19th July, school will close at 1.30 pm. It’s a mufti (non-uniform) day so children may wear their own clothes to school. Please collect your child promptly at 1.30 pm.
Tree Tops after school club will be open but will offer only one full session which will run from 1.30 – 4.30 pm. There are no other after school clubs running on this day. All bookings for Tree Tops on Friday 19th July must be made, via Parent Pay, by midnight on Monday 15th July. Please select the payment item which has been specifically set up for this session: Tree Tops After School Session - Friday 19th July. The cost of this session is £13.50.
Medication & lost property
Please remember to collect any medicines, including epi-pens and inhalers, which your child may have stored in the school office before the end of term. Medications not collected by Friday 19th July will be disposed of. Don’t forget to have a rummage through the lost property bins in your child’s playground too! All lost property will be sent to recycling over the summer holiday.
Year Group Newsletters
There is no newsletter for Year 4 this week; the homework is to relax and rest after the adventures of Thames Young Mariners!
Lunch Menu Autumn Term 1 2019
After school clubs
We are still busy finalising the details of the after school clubs running next term - look out for a ParentPay message early next week when bookings open. We're excited to be offering two new clubs: Teddy Cricket for Years 1 & 2 on Mondays and Spartans Basketball for Years 4 – 6 on Fridays. All clubs will start week beginning Monday 16th September.
Saturday football back at Fern Hill!
Next term, Mr Langridge and Mr Guyatt will be running a football session in the juniors’ playground every Saturday morning from 10.30-11.30 am. Players of all abilities are welcome. Saturday football at Fern Hill starts on the 14th September and costs £5 per player/session on a pay as you go basis. If you would like any more information please email Mr Langridge on
Tissues please!
Although there's only two weeks to go before the end of term, the school office are in desperate need of tissues for the children to use. If you can spare a box, please drop it in with the office team. Thank you.
Thank you to Cath Howe, our writer-in-residence, for coming into school last week to deliver an assembly to the children based around her new book, Not My Fault, and the issues it raises around family relationships, sibling rivalry and forgiveness. We’re also grateful to Cath for spending some time after school signing copies of the book for our families.
Our end of year celebrations begin next week with Summer Concerts for our infants, Year 5’s Micro Society assembly and Year 6 Leavers’ Production. Families are warmly invited and we hope you can join us.
A reminder of concert, production and assembly dates:
Nursery Summer Concert - Monday 8th July at 11.00 am & 2.45 pm in the Small Hall
Reception Summer Concert - Thursday 11th July at 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Year 1 Summer Concert - Monday 8th July at 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Year 2 Summer Concert - Tuesday 9th July at 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Year 5 Micro Society Assembly – Thursday 11th July at 2.30 pm in the Large Hall
Year 6 Production 'Oh, What a Night!' – Tuesday 9th July at 6.00 pm & Wednesday 10th July at 9.30 am
Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly - Thursday 18th July at 9.00 am in the Large Hall
For performances taking place in the Large Hall, please note that access for families attending will be via the external doors to the Hall only. For the safety of all the children, we ask parents and carers not to come into or leave school via school reception for these events. The black gates which secure the rear of the school will be open (and supervised) to allow you to access the Hall doors before and after performances. Thank you.
School Lunches for the Autumn Term
Lunches for the first half of the autumn term are now available to book online via ParentPay. You can find the menu and information on how to book on our website here. The menu is also attached below. The deadline for booking lunches is always midnight on the Sunday of the previous school week but due to the Summer holiday and having to order food items before the term ends, the last day for booking lunches for the first two weeks back after the break is midnight on Monday 15th July. The first week back is a very short week as the children do not return to school until Thursday 5th September.
Deadline to book for Thursday 5th & Friday 6th September: midnight Monday 15th July
Deadline to book for Monday 9th – Friday 13th September: midnight Monday 15th July
Deadline to book for Monday 16th – Friday 20th September: midnight Sunday 8th September
Unfortunately the ParentPay system will only show meals for a seven week period and because the first half term of the autumn term is such a long one (eight weeks), at the moment you can only book lunches up to Friday 11th October. Lunches for weeks beginning Monday 14th October and Monday 21st October will be available to book before the end of term.
After School Club Notices
Next week is the last week for after school and lunchtime clubs this term. To make up for the May bank holiday, Monday clubs will run their last session on Monday 15th July.
Week commencing 15th July is catch up week and the following clubs will be running a session to make up for one lost during the term due to illness:
Rugby – Tuesday 16th July
Hockey – Wednesday 17th July
Computer club – Wednesday 17th July
Cricket – Thursday 18th July
Start to Sing – Thursday 18th July
The last session for Pottery club will be on Friday 12th July - the two missed sessions will be refunded directly to you; there will be no catch-up sessions.
Year 4 at Thames Young Mariners
Year 4 have had a fantastic time kayaking, raft building and team building at their Thames Young Mariners residential. The weather has been glorious, and the food excellent. Yesterday was rounded off with an evening around the fire enjoying hot chocolate, marshmallows and a lovely sing song. The tepee’s caused great excitement and the children loved sharing with their friends. A huge thanks to all the teaching staff for making it such a happy and memorable experience. It’s been smiles all round!
Down on the Farm!
Year 2 had a fantastic day out at Bocketts Farm Park last Thursday. All groups enjoyed a bumpy tractor ride around the farm and the chance to touch and feed a selection of animals including, cows, sheep, goats and alpacas. It was a great opportunity to see in real life the animals and their offspring that the children have been learning about in science. After lunch, the children watched the world famous Bocketts Farm pig race, cheering loudly for their favourite pig!
Class Photographs
The deadline for ordering your child’s class photograph with free delivery has been extended to Monday 8th July. Orders placed after Monday will incur a late delivery charge of £3.
Photographs may be ordered by completing the proof sheet and returning it, with payment, to your class teacher. You can also order on-line – your class photograph is available to view and buy directly from the photographer’s secure website. You will need to use the password on your proof sheet to access the website.
If you have more than one child at Fern Hill, or would like to add the Year 6 Leavers’ photo, don’t forget to take advantage of the sibling/multipack discount available with option 2A and 3A. If you are ordering on-line, add each photograph you would like to your favourites (you will need to create an account or log in to do this). You will then be able to order a multi-pack from your favourite’s selection.
For all on-line orders, please leave your child's name and class in the ‘Add Instructions’ option next to one of your chosen photographs at the cart stage. This will allow us to deliver the photograph back to you via your child.
For all enquiries, please contact the photographer, Mrs Bahara, directly via email at or telephone on 07931 593 169.
The overall winner this week is COOMBE
Computing Open Afternoons
We are holding two Computing Open Afternoons at the end of term on Tuesday 16th and Thursday 18th July, for families in Year 3 and up. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to share with you the work they have been doing in Computing this year. The Open Afternoon for Years 3 & 4 is on Tuesday 16th and Thursday 18th is dedicated to Years 5 & 6. Both sessions will run from 3.30 – 4.30 pm in the Computing class room (ICT suite). Please use the doors in the juniors’ playground to come into school and not school reception. We would also be very grateful if you would leave any buggies outside in the playground. We look forward to seeing you there!
PSA News & Events
PSA Summer Social Comedy Night – Saturday 6th July
We’re very excited about our first-ever Comedy Night tomorrow! If you bought a ticket from us on the school gate, please remember to bring it along. If you ordered online, please have your confirmed order details available on your phone.
If you want to grab a last-minute ticket, please do so by the end of the day on Friday at the following link:
Doors will open at 7.15pm. Refreshments available will include Prosecco, Pimms, gin and tonic, beer, wine and a wide selection of non-alcoholic drinks and snacks. Purchases can be made with cash or card. We look forward to seeing you there!
PSA Committee meeting and AGM – Thursday 11th July
All are welcome to come along to our final committee meeting of the year and our AGM on Thursday 11th July from 7.30pm in the Small Hall. A lot of our current committee are standing down this summer so we really need more parents to come along and get involved to enable us to keep running all the great events we put on throughout the year. We look forward to welcoming you there.
Thanks for your support
Fern Hill PSA
Weekly Attendance
Well done to Year 4 who have the best year group attendance for this week.
The Attendance Cup is awarded jointly to Foxglove, Larch and Chestnut classes this week; all three have 100% attendance!
Year | Attendance % | Star Year ★ |
Reception | 97.3% | |
Year 1 | 95.6% | |
Year 2 | 96.4% | |
Year 3 | 97.6% | |
Year 4 | 98.6% | Well done! |
Year 5 | 95.8% | |
Year 6 | 94.6% |