Key Dates
Monday 21st October
Inclusion Coffee Morning, 9.00 - 10.00 am in the Small Hall
Tuesday 22nd October
School tour for prospective Reception parents, 9.30 - 11.00 am
Wednesday 23rd October
Year 6 Elder visit the Synagogue
Thursday 24th October
Year 6 Hawthorn class assembly at 9.00 am in the Large Hall
Year 3 Cake Sale at 3.00 pm
Friday 25th October
INSET day - children are not in school
Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November
Monday 4th November
INSET day - children are not in school
Tuesday 5th November
INSET day - children are not in school
Wednesday 6th November
PSA Fireworks Night, 5.30 - 7.30 pm
Thursday 7th November
School tour for prospective Reception parents, 9.30 - 11.00 am
Friday 8th November
Zoolab visit for Nursery children
Monday 11th - Friday 15th November
Maths Week in school
Monday 11th November
School silence at 11.00 am to commemorate Armistice Day
Tuesday 12th November
Maths Mastery Drop-ins for parents and carers of children in Years 1 to 6
Thursday 14th November
Year 6 Oak class assembly at 9.00 am in the Large Hall
Phonics Workshop for Reception parents, 9.00 - 10.00 am in the Large Hall
School tour for prospective Reception parents, 9.30 - 11.00 am
Friday 15th November
BBC Children in Need Mufti (non-uniform) Day
Children in Need Cake Sale, 3.00 pm
Tuesday 19th November
Flu vaccination (Nasal spray) for children in Reception to Year 6
Wednesday 20th November
Year 6 Elder & Oak classes visit the Churchill War Rooms
Thursday 21st November
Year 2 Clover class assembly at 9.00 am in the Large Hall
School tour for prospective Reception parents, 9.30 - 11.00 am
PSA Committee Meeting at 7.30 pm in the Small Hall
Friday 22nd November
Year 6 Hawthorn & Willow classes visit the Churchill War Rooms
Year 2 Cake Sale at 3.00 pm
Key dates for the 2019/2020 academic year are posted on the website here
INSET Days & Half Term Break
We have three INSET days coming up, when school is closed. On Friday 25th October, Monday 4th November and Tuesday 5th November, the children are not in school. Our half term break will run from Friday 25th October to Tuesday 5th November inclusive. On Thursday 24th October, school will closes at the usual time and will reopen on Wednesday 6th November.
Year Group Newsletters
There is no Year 4 Newsletter today due to the Butser Farm trip
SEN Coffee Morning Invitation
Volunteer Readers Reply Form
Pupil Play Leaders Application Form
It's not too late to book onto one of the holiday activities we have running here at Fern Hill over the half term break and INSET days on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th November.
Pleiades are running a week long multi sport camp from Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November and are also here from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm on Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th November. Fantastic workshops from Masquerade and Mother Nature Science are also available.
You can find more information about these activities, including how to book, on our website here.
Saturday Football at Fern Hill
This Saturday, 19th October, is the last Saturday football session of this half term. Mr Langridge and Mr Guyatt will be back next half term at the new time of 1.00 – 2.00 pm from Saturday 9th November. Players of all abilities are welcome and a session costs £5 on a pay as you go basis. If you would like any more information please email Mr Langridge at:
After School Club Notices
Collection for children attending the Infant Football club on Monday 21st October will be from the infants' playground, not the Large Hall doors.
Hockey club is cancelled on Wednesday 23rd October. There will be a make up class on Wednesday 11th December.
No clubs will run on Friday 25th October, Monday 4th November or Tuesday 5th November which are INSET days.
Inclusion Coffee Morning
We are looking forward to our first Inclusion Coffee Morning on Monday 21st October at 9.00 - 10.00 am in the Small Hall. This session will be an introduction to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Inclusion at Fern Hill. Please feel free to drop in.
We would like to say a huge thank you to anyone who brought food in for World Food Day! We were surprised and delighted by the quantity of food that we ended up with! I hope that you all enjoyed doing your little bit to help people in Kingston fight the problem of hunger – I’m sure the food bank (CREST) will be very grateful. It shows that even if you are only children, you can make a real difference to others’ lives.
- Silvia, Rights Respecting Ambassador (Year 5 Sycamore class)
Thank you so much to all our families for supporting CREST. You can find out more about this charity and the work they do for our local community here.
Fern Hill is recruiting…Lunchtime Pupil Play Leaders!
This week, children in Year 5 and 6 have been invited to put themselves forward as Play Leaders. Supported by staff, they will organise their own rota with each Play Leader giving up 30 minutes of their lunchtime once a week for a term to help organise games and activities for other children in the playground. If your child is interested in making playtimes at school even more fun, please encourage them to complete an application form, attached below, and return it to Miss Crook or Mr Sinclair by next Wednesday 23rd October.
School lunches for the second half of this term are now available to book online via ParentPay. The menu is attached and also available on the website here:
Due to the half term holiday, the deadline for ordering lunches for the first two weeks back is not the standard one. Lunches for Wednesday 6th – Friday 8th November (don’t forget Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th November are INSET days!) and week commencing Monday 11th November, must be booked and paid for by midnight on Sunday 20th October. Lunches for the third week, week commencing Monday 18th November will need to be booked and paid for by midnight on Sunday 10th November (the usual deadline).
Our whole school Christmas lunch will be held on Thursday 12th December. We will be sending out further information on this after the half term break. The menu for Christmas lunch is not yet viewable on ParentPay – you will see the standard menu for that day – but you can still select a main or vegetarian as usual as we will have these two options available for the Christmas menu.
No school lunches will be provided on Thursday 19th December – this is our class Christmas Party day and your child will have party food with their class mates in their classroom. Your class teacher and Class reps will be sending out further information on the class Christmas Party nearer the time.
The overall winner this week is Richmond - well done!
Volunteer Readers
Thank you to all the parents and carers who have volunteered to be Readers in school and attended the Introduction sessions this week. We are really very grateful for your time and commitment. We would love more volunteers on board so if you can spare thirty minutes once a week, or even once a fortnight, to help children with their reading and support their development, please let us know by completing the form attached below and returning it to the school office or to your class teacher.
Maths Week, 11th - 15th November
After the half term break we will getting ready for Fern Hill Maths Week which runs from Monday 11th to Friday 15th November. The children will be exploring creative maths in the classroom and Mr Scott will be launching our annual Mathletics competition with prizes on offer to the classes who achieve the most points.
Please save the date for our Maths Mastery classroom sessions for parents and carers of children in Years 1 to 6 which will be held on Tuesday 12th November. The sessions will run from 9.20 am with an introductory session in the Large Hall at 9.00 am. We’ll be sending out a registration form next week for you to reserve your place.
We’ll be rounding off a very busy week fundraising for BBC Children in Need with a mufti day and Pudsey times table challenge on Friday 15th! Look out for more information on Maths Week in next week's newsletter.
PSA News & Events
Fern Hill PSA’s Fireworks Night – Wednesday 6th November from 5.30 to 7.30pm in the KS2 playground
Tickets for our fabulous annual fireworks display go on sale online this weekend at 8pm on Sunday 20th October. Please visit the following link to buy your tickets:
Tickets are priced at £7 for adults (including over 12s) and £3.50 for children under 12. Children under 3 go free but do need their own ticket. Children under 12 with tickets will only be admitted when accompanied by an adult ticket holder. Please note there is a maximum allocation of six tickets per online order and a maximum of six tickets per family. This event is aimed at children who attend Fern Hill, their siblings, parents and primary carers only.
Doors will open at 5.30pm with last entry being 6.30pm and the firework display beginning at 6.45pm. The event will conclude at 7.30pm. As well as a stunning professional fireworks display, there will be stalls selling mulled wine, beer, hot dogs, popcorn, toffee apples and other refreshments, as well as a brilliant selection of glow sticks. This is always an extremely popular event so please remember to get your tickets in good time!
Please note that no alcohol, sparklers or other fireworks may be brought onto site and tickets are not refundable. Please print your tickets and bring them with you on the night. To reduce unnecessary waste, please bring a reusable cup for drinks.
Thank you
Fern Hill PSA
Weekly Attendance
Well done to Year 5 who have the best year group attendance for this week.
The Attendance Cup is awarded to Ash class with 100% attendance - well done Ash!
Year | Attendance % | Star Year ★ |
Reception | 96.2% | |
Year 1 | 95.2% | |
Year 2 | 97.7% | |
Year 3 | 98.5% | |
Year 4 | 98.1% | |
Year 5 | 99.1% | ★ |
Year 6 | 97.4% |
Nursery Newsletter 18.10.19
Reception Newsletter 18.10.19
Year 1 Newsletter 18.10.19
Year 2 Newsletter 18.10.19
Year 3 Newsletter 18.10.19
Year 5 Newsletter 18.10.19
Year 6 Newsletter 18.10.19
Volunteer Reader Reply Form Generic
Fern Hill Playground Leaders Application Form
Inclusion Coffee Morning 21.10.19