Key Dates
Monday 11th - Friday 15th November
Maths Week in school
Monday 11th November
School silence at 11.00 am to commemorate Armistice Day
Tuesday 12th November
Maths Mastery classroom sessions for parents and carers of children in Years 1 to 6
Thursday 14th November
Year 6 Oak class assembly at 9.00 am in the Large Hall
Phonics Workshop for Reception parents, 9.00 - 10.00 am in the Large Hall
School tour for prospective Reception parents, 9.30 - 11.00 am
Friday 15th November
'Wear it Yellow' Mufti day in aid of BBC Children in Need
Children in Need Cake Sale, 3.00 pm
Tuesday 19th November
Flu vaccination (nasal spray) for children in Reception to Year 6
Wednesday 20th November
Year 6 Elder & Oak classes visit the Churchill War Rooms
Thursday 21st November
Year 2 Clover class assembly at 9.00 am in the Large Hall
School tour for prospective Reception parents, 9.30 - 11.00 am
PSA Committee Meeting at 7.30 pm in the Small Hall
Friday 22nd November
Year 6 Hawthorn & Willow classes visit the Churchill War Rooms
Year 2 Cake Sale at 3.00 pm
Monday 25th November
Year 6 Oak class visit the Synagogue
Tuesday 26th November
Year 4 Yew class visit Pizza Express
Year 1 visit Tudor Drive Library
School tour for prospective Reception parents, 9.30 - 11.00 am
Wednesday 27th November
Year 4 Chestnut and Larch visit Pizza Express
Year 6 Hawthorn class visit the Synagogue
Thursday 28th November
Year 6 Elder class assembly at 9.00 am in the Large Hall
Fern Speak semi-finals for Year 4 and 6 participants
Friday 29th November
Parent Council meeting at 9.00 am in the Small Hall
Thursday 5th December
Reception classes visit the theatre.
Fern Speak Finals for Years 4 & 6 - families of children performing are invited
Friday 6th December
Year 1 cake sale
Key dates for the 2019/2020 academic year are posted on the website here.
Illness & Absence
If your child is ill or absent from school for any other reason, please let the school office know by 8.30 am. You can email them at: or telephone them on 020 247 0300. The school office staff spend a significant amount of time every morning checking on children who are absent from school without a reason. Thank you.
Year Group Newsletters
Saturday Football at Fern Hill
Football at fern Hill kicks off again tomorrow, Saturday 9th November at the new time of 1.00 pm. Mr Langridge and Mr Guyatt will be running their pay-as-you-go sessions for all ages and abilities. If you would like any more information please email Mr Langridge at:
School Photographs
Due to technical issues with the website, the deadline for ordering your child’s school photograph with free delivery has been extended to Tuesday 12th November.
Photographs may be ordered online or using the order form on the proof sheet that was sent home with your child before the half term break.
If you have any queries or do not receive a proof sheet for any reason, please contact our school photographer, Kans Bahara, at In Time Photography, directly via email at or by telephone on 07931 593 169.
After School Club Notices
French Club will not have a catch up session on Thursday 12th December. The catch up session will be held on Thursday 21st November instead so French Club will run on both Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd of November at lunchtime. If your child attends French Club, please ensure they have a packed lunch on both days.
Yesterday, our children joined nearly 700,000 other young people in the UK and Ireland (and over 3 million globally!) to celebrate Outdoor Classroom Day, a worldwide campaign to celebrate and inspire outdoor learning and play. Outdoor learning improves children’s health, engages them with learning and leads to a greater connection with nature. Play not only teaches critical life skills such as resilience, teamwork and creativity, but is central to children’s enjoyment of childhood. At Fern Hill, each of our classes took one of their lessons outside…
Our older children wrote poems about nature and took their maths lessons outside, making large number lines with chalk and measuring the clouds. Year 3 incorporated maths and RE by creating symmetrical patterns on the ground. The younger children took phonics outdoors and went on a materials walk as part of their science topics. Reception and Nursery even went hunting! For words and mini-beasts!
We’re looking forward to our next Outdoor Learning Day, which will be part of Wellness Week next May.
Votes for Schools
Politics has been at the top of many conversations over the past week, with Brexit being delayed again and the UK calling an early general election in December. This week is also UK Parliament Week - a week designed to engage more people with politics and the government!
As part of our Votes for Schools initiative, children have been learning more this week about our political system, the role that politicians play and how they can get involved in politics. They have also been discussing young activists such as Malala and Greta Thunberg. Our younger children have been asked: would you like to be a politican? Our older children have been debating whether young people today are actually interested in politics. We’ll let you know the outcome of their voting next week!
It’s Maths Week next week!
On Monday we’ll be announcing our annual Mathletics competition which will run from Monday 11th to Sunday 17th November. Any points earnt over this weekend won’t count as the Mathletics system resets on a Sunday evening but it’s a great opportunity to get practicing for next week! You can access Mathletics here. If your child doesn’t remember their log in, they should ask their class teacher on Monday.
On Tuesday, parents and carers of children in Years 1 – 6 are invited into school for a classroom session to see Maths Mastery in action. This is an opportunity to join your child for part of a maths lesson where they will be practising one of the three key skills of the Mastery approach: fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
Please note that this isn’t a drop-in session. For safeguarding reasons, it is essential that you register to attend via this link:
Registration will close at 9.00 am on Monday morning.
To accommodate as many parents and carers as possible, we ask that you only attend one session in your child's class. If you have more than one child at Fern Hill, you may attend a session in each child's class (up to a maximum of two sessions). There will be an introductory talk with Mrs Stephenson, Deputy Headteacher, at 9.00 am in the Large Hall which we ask that you attend.
The sessions will take place in your child's normal learning environment. Due to the nature of an interactive lesson, other children, e.g. younger siblings, will not be able to join. We're sorry but this includes babies in arms or in pushchairs. Thank you for your understanding.
Don't forget our 'Wear it Yellow' Mufti Day next Friday!
Next Friday 15th November, we will be supporting the BBC Children in Need appeal and raising money to help disadvantaged children throughout the UK. It's a mufti day so no school uniform needed! Children and staff are invited to come to school dressed in yellow or wearing a yellow accessory.
Our Year 6 children will be at the gates on the morning of Friday 15th to collect donations for this wonderful charity and the PSA will be running a themed cake sale after school. During school, the children will be taking part in a Pudsey times table challenge – it is Maths Week after all!
As part of our fundraising efforts, stamped Pudsey wristbands and Pudsey pin badges will be available for the children in buy in the morning at the school gates on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th November. Please send £1 in with your child if they would like to buy one. All proceeds will go directly to the BBC Children in Need charity which you can find out more about here.
The overall winner this week is Richmond
PSA News and Events
Fireworks Night
It was wonderful to see so many Fern Hill families enjoying our fantastic professional fireworks display on Wednesday evening and we’re delighted to say that the event raised a brilliant total of £1237 for our school! A huge thank you to all the parents who volunteered on the stalls and in the café as well as all those staff who gave up their evening to help make our Fireworks Night such a success.
Children In Need – Friday 15th November
We’re holding a special cake sale after school next Friday to raise money for Children In Need and we’d be very grateful for your contributions. Please drop any cakes or biscuits at school reception next Friday morning or bring them straight to the cake sale after school. Any yellow or Pudsey themed donations are very welcome but not essential! All money raised will go directly to Children in Need.
Thank you for your support
Fern Hill PSA