Key Dates
Thursday 3rd March
WORLD BOOK DAY - children are invited to come to school dressed as a book character
Elm class parent assembly, 9:00 - 9:30 am in the Large Hall
Year 2 visit to the British Wildlife Centre
Friday 4th March
PSA Bounce for Books event
Thursday 10th March
Beech class parent assembly, 9:00 - 9:30 am in the Large Hall
Careers Fair for Year 5 & 6
Friday 11th March
Parent Council meeting, 9:00 am in school
Thursday 17th March
Rowan class parent assembly, 9:00 - 9:30 am in the Large Hall
Friday 18th March
Comic Relief Red Nose Day - further information coming soon!
Monday 21st March
Year 2 visit to Richmond Park
Wednesday 23rd March *NEW DATE*
Year 6 parent meeting: SATS, 9:00 - 9:45 am in the Large Hall
Thursday 24th March
Foxglove class parent assembly, 9:00 - 9:30 am in the Large Hall
Friday 25th March
Year 3 visit to Kew Gardens
Key dates for the spring term are available to view on the school website calendar and here.
Year group weekly news
Don't forget to read your year group weekly news, published every Friday afternoon on your child's Home Learning Google Classroom.
Parent Forum: Joining KET
Fern Hill Careers Fair 2022
World Book Day 2022 Digital Token
Joining KET
This week, you received a letter from Mr Scott inviting you to an open forum at school on Thursday 31st March with Mrs Cavanagh (Executive Director of Kingston Educational Trust and Headteacher of The Kingston Academy) to learn more about Fern Hill's conversion to academy status and the benefits of being part of a multi-academy trust, alongside The Kingston Academy. If you would like to join the meeting, please let us know using this linked form: Parent Forum - Joining KET. You can use the form to raise any questions you would like to be addressed at the meeting or to give us your views if you cannot attend.
World Book Day
It’s World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March and we’ll be celebrating in school with special assemblies, competitions, classroom activities and of course, dressing up! Children and staff are invited to come to school dressed up as their favourite book character.
World Book Day is a celebration of reading, authors, illustrators and books. It’s designated by UNESCO as a global celebration of books and reading, and marked in over 100 countries all over the world.
This year is special – it’s World Book Day’s 25th year bringing a love of books and shared reading to children and young people. Did you know that reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator of a child's future success, more than family circumstances, parents’ educational backgrounds or income?
Dressing up is a great way of encouraging children to talk about the books they love; if you are stuck for ideas, have a look at these easy costumes to make at home.
This year, the children can take part in a whole school book swap and bring in a book from home that they have finished reading to swap with someone else in their class or year group.
Every child may use the World Book Day £1 digital book token, attached below, to swap for a FREE book until Sunday 27 March 2022. You can help them choose their book by sharing the exciting ‘Look Insides’ here.
To get your free book, just take your book token to your nearest bookseller (which could even be your local supermarket) and exchange it for a World Book Day £1 book or get £1 off any book or audiobook that costs £2.99 or more. You can find your nearest bookseller at
World Book Day’s Hub for Families is a great resource for celebrating books and encouraging a love of reading and is available all year round. If your child is just starting to learn to read, you might like to visit World Book Day’s Share a Story Corner with them and explore all the short video books and activities together. Early through to independent readers can also enjoy free audiobooks (a brilliant way of enjoying stories with your family or on your own!) through World Book Day’s World of Stories.
Just before the half-term break, we announced our Careers Fair for children in Year 5 and 6. It will be held on Thursday 10th March in school and we sent a letter home asking for parents and carers to volunteer their time to talk to the children about their jobs and demonstrate just how what the children are learning at school today can lead to an exciting future tomorrow. Thank you so much to the parents who have already volunteered - we'd love to hear from even more of you!
If you are available from 1:30 – 3:15 pm on Thursday 10th March and would like to inspire the children by sharing your profession and own career journey, please complete this linked form: Fern Hill Careers Fair. For reference, the letter is attached below.
Sponsored Run
Please don't forget to pay in your child's sponsorship money from the school run we held on 10th February. The payment item is still available on ParentPay. The money we raise will be divided equally among the children's two nominated charities: Born too Soon, a local charity based at Kingston Hospital, and Battersea Dogs & Cats Home and also our school to buy new sports equipment for the children.
The overall winner this week is KINGSTON
PSA News & Events
Bounce4Books - Friday 4th March!
Next Friday 4th March, the children will be raising money for new books for the school’s libraries and classrooms by bouncing for books! There will two bouncy castles in the Large Hall and each pupil will have one minute to bounce as many times as they can.
Your child should have brought home a sponsorship form so that they can collect money from family and friends as sponsorship for their bouncing efforts! If you have not received a form, please ask at the school office for one. Forms, and sponsorship money should be returned to school by Friday 11th March!
On the back of the sponsorship form is a Gift Aid declaration. Your PSA would be very grateful if you could complete and return this if you are eligible, as it boosts any donations you make to the school by 25% at no cost to you!
Thank you for your support.
Pre-loved uniform, costume and second-hand book sale - thank you!
Thank you so much for all your donations to the second-hand sale this Friday, they are very much appreciated! We will let you know the amount raised next week.