Key Dates
Thursday 14th - Friday 15th July
Year 5 Thames Young Mariners residential visit
Thursday 14th & Friday 15th July
End of year pupil reports sent home
Sunday 17th July
Dragon Boat Challenge at Canbury Gardens
Monday 18th July
Year 6 production of Macbeth at 6:00 pm in the Large Hall (ticket only)
Tuesday 19th July
Year 6 production of Macbeth at 9:15 am in the Large Hall (ticket only)
Wednesday 20th July
Class changeover day - the children spend time with their new class teacher for September.
Nursery is closed this day
PSA Pre-loved Uniform Sale at 3:00 pm outside school
Year 6 Leavers' Party at 5:30 pm
Thursday 21st July
Year 6 Leavers' Assembly at 2:30 pm in the Large Hall * please note new time *
Year 5 Enterprise Fair at 3:30 - 4:15 pm
Friday 22nd July
LAST DAY OF TERM - school closes at 1:30 pm
Nursery Summer Celebration at 12:00 - 1:30 pm
Monday 25th July – Wednesday 31st August
Thursday 1st September
Start of the autumn term — INSET Day — children are not in school
Friday 2nd September
INSET Day — children are not in school
Monday 5th September
Children return to school
School Uniform
Appointments with our school uniform supplier, PMG Schoolwear, are available to book now - please click here. The cut-off date for ordering uniform for the start of the autumn term is 12th August. Please see the school website here for further information on school uniform requirements at Fern Hill.
Year group weekly news
Your year group weekly news is published every Friday afternoon on your child's Home Learning Google Classroom. Click here for information about how we use the Google Classroom.
Toys & Games Wanted
We would be very grateful for toys and games for the children to enjoy during ‘wet play’, when poor weather brings play time indoors: Jenga, Lego, K’nex, traditional board games (Ludo, Snakes and Ladders, Scrabble, Connect Four, Dominos etc.), comics, card games and jigsaws (under 100 pieces). We would also love children’s books in good condition for the outdoor libraries. Please leave your donations any time over the next two weeks outside the main entrance by the school office.
Our annual Parent & Carer Survey is now live. This survey is for you to give us your views about Fern Hill and your child’s experience at school. The survey will be available until 9:00 am on Monday 11th July.
You can access the survey here.
Your feedback is extremely important and will be a key input to the School Development Plan for next year. To encourage feedback, we are offering an incentive! The year group that receives the most survey responses will enjoy their own class treat before the end of term.
The survey is designed to enable you to complete a questionnaire for each of your children attending Fern Hill so if you have more than one child here, please take the opportunity to do a survey for each. More than one parent can also complete a survey for each child.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to give us your views. If you prefer to complete the survey in writing, please pick up a paper copy from the school office.
Books for our libraries
National Book Tokens are giving five schools £1,000 to spend on books each, plus membership to the School Library Association, to help them build their range of books and encourage reading for pleasure now and for generations to come.
Please nominate us using this linked form before the end of term. If we're one of the five winning entries, you’ll also win a £100 National Book Token for yourself! Thank you.
Next week is the last week for the majority of our lunchtime and after school clubs. Monday clubs will have their last session on 18th July to make up for the session missed on 2nd May. Gardening Club will have their last session on 19th July to make up for the cancelled session on 10th May and Magpie Makes Art Club will run their last session on 20th July. All Friday clubs will run on 22nd July to make up for the session missed on 27th May. These Friday clubs will run from 1:30 – 2:30 pm, directly after school closes.
As is usual on the last day of every term, Tree Tops will run a full session only from 1:30 – 4:30 pm on Friday 22nd July.
We are finalising the clubs that will be offered for the autumn term and hope to be able to send you further information next week.
Summer activities at Fern Hill
It’s not too late to book one of the exciting activities happening at Fern Hill over the summer break. Masquerade Theatre Arts and Mother Nature Science are offering some fantastic workshops and Pleiades will be running a holiday camp over the last two weeks of the holiday including the two INSET days on Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd September. Please see the website here for details.
Free holiday activities & food
If your child receives benefits-related Free School Meals, please take a look at the FUEL programme for free access to holiday clubs, sports groups, play sessions and more during the summer break. Click here for further information on the programme and the providers, or contact the school office for support with booking. You can watch Marcus Rashford MBE talk about the programme on YouTube.
The overall winner this week is KINGSTON
PSA News & Events
Dragon Boat Challenge - Sunday 17th July
We have 4 teams lined up for this year's Rotary Club Dragon Boat Challenge taking place on Sunday 17th July at Canbury Gardens: Mamas, Papas, Mixed and a Parent/Teacher boat! The teams are fund-raising for Fern Hill PSA and you can donate via our JustGiving page. We hope to see you at the riverside, cheering on the Fern Hill dragons!
Pre-loved uniform - donations needed Friday 15th July
We will be holding a pre-loved uniform sale after school on Wednesday 20th July. Please bring in your donations of good quality second hand uniform on FRIDAY 15th JULY and drop them by the school office. This can also include school shoes, trainers and PE equipment such as shin pads, tennis rackets and hockey sticks. Thank you!