Key Dates
Saturday 24th September
Gardening Day, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Monday 26th - Wednesday 28th September
Pupil & sibling photographs in school
Teddy Bears' Picnic for families in Reception, 3:15 - 4:15 pm
Tuesday 27th September
Volunteer Reader training, 2:30 pm
Wednesday 28th September
Volunteer Reader training, 9:00 am
Thursday 29th September
Phonics workshop for Reception parents, 9:00 - 9:45 am
Year 4 visit to Thames Explorer Trust
Friday 30th September
PSA Macmillan Coffee Morning, 9:00 - 10:00 am
Parent Council meeting, 9:00 - 9:30 am
Year 4 visit to Thames Explorer Trust
Thursday 6th October
Parents' Curriculum Evening (information to follow)
Tuesday 11th October
Year 5 Viking workshop in school
Wednesday 12th & Thursday 13th October
Parents' Evening - see below
Friday 14th October
Home Learning Showcase
Key dates for this school year are published here. Some of these dates are provisional, and all dates are subject to change — please refer to this weekly newsletter and the online school calendar for the latest information.
Year group weekly news
Your year group weekly news is published every Friday afternoon on your child's Home Learning Google Classroom. Click here for information about how we use the Google Classroom.
Consent for Local Visits 2022
Polio Vaccination Programme Letter
Gardening Day
We hope to see many of you tomorrow, Saturday 24th September from 10:00 am at our Gardening Day. Everyone is welcome and refreshments are provided. Please bring your own gardening tools if you have them – gloves, trowels, forks, spades, hedge clippers etc. Thank you!
Lost Property
A lost property box is located in each playground by the water fountain. Please check these boxes for lost items before contacting the school office. We will always endeavour to return items to their owner so please make sure everything your child brings to school is clearly named (first name and surname), including water bottles and lunch containers. Items not collected by the end of every half-term are disposed of.
Parents’ Evening will be held on Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th October. In order to accommodate both video and in person appointments, school will close for children in Reception through to Year 6 at 1:30 pm on Thursday 13th October. Nursery will run as normal until 3:25 pm.
After school clubs on Thursday 13th will run but at the earlier time of 1:30 – 2:30 pm. Tree Tops will also run from 1:30 pm to its usual finish of 6:00 pm for existing bookings. Tree Tops is now fully booked on Thursday 13th October - please do not make a booking for this day using ParentPay as it will be cancelled by the system.
You will be able to book a 10-minute appointment with your class teacher through our Parents’ Evening System that will be open from midday on Friday 30th September to 6:00 pm on Thursday 6th October. Video and in person appointments will be held on different days during the following times:
Wednesday 12th October, 4:00 – 7:00 pm — virtual appointments via video call
Thursday 13th October, 2:00 – 6:00 pm — in person appointments at school
A link to the Parents’ Evening System and instructions on how to book will be sent to you next week.
Consent for Local Educational Visits
Today you will have received a letter from Mr Scott requesting that you complete a consent form for your child, giving permission for your child to take part in local visits out of school this academic year. Local visits are those within the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames or where the children will travel by foot to their destination, walking for a maximum duration of 45 minutes.
You will of course still receive advanced notice and details of these trips but you will not need to complete a consent form for each one. We will continue to ask for your consent for visits that are not local, or for which we are asking for a voluntary monetary contribution.
Please click here to complete and submit the consent form. If you have more than one child at Fern Hill, you should complete a separate consent form for each child. For further information, please see the letter from Mr Scott attached below.
If your child is taking part in the Cauliflower Cards project, their design artwork and completed order form should be returned to their class teacher by Thursday 29th September.
Please ensure that you follow the instructions on the order form regarding placing and paying for your order — this can only be done online, directly with Cauliflower Cards, and must be done before you return your order form and child's artwork to school. Each order form has a unique code so please do not photocopy it to use for a second design. If you need another order form, just email the school office at:
For some great design ideas using lots of different materials, have a look at the Cauliflower Cards gallery.
Team Points will be back soon...
The overall winner this week is School
PSA News & Events
PSA Committee Meeting
Thank you to everyone who came along to our first meeting of the year. It was lovely to see so many new faces!
Teddy Bears’ Picnic for Reception Children - Monday 26th September
A reminder that tickets are available for Reception children and a parent/carer to book for our Teddy Bears' Picnic in the Large Hall on Monday 26th September after school. Please use this link to book your tickets! Although the event is free, everyone attending must have a ticket.
Macmillan Cancer Research Coffee Morning - Friday 30th September
The PSA are hosting a Macmillan Coffee Morning next Friday 30th September in the Small Hall at school after drop-off from 9.00 to 10:00 am. Donations of any amount, large or small, are greatly appreciated and every penny we raise goes straight to Macmillan.
We will provide tea and coffee but we are asking for donations of cakes, cupcakes or biscuits (homemade or shop bought) to help support this worthy charity. We will also be holding a cake auction during the morning, where will we auction off whole cakes donated by you so please do get baking as this auction is always very popular! Any leftover cakes will be sold after school at a cake sale.
Donations can be left on the trolley which will be outside the school reception doors on Friday morning or can be brought to the coffee morning.
We would love some volunteers to help on the day. If you can help out please join the event WhatsApp group. Exact timings for set up are to be confirmed but it's likely we'll need you from around 8:30 - 10:30 am. Thank you!
This is a perfect event for getting parents in your class together for a social and we hope to see you there!
Cauliflower Cards
You should have received a Cauliflower Cards pack home via your child. Please let your Class Rep know if this is not the case. The deadline for return of artwork to your class teacher is Thursday 29th September!
PSA WhatsApp Group
If you would like to be involved this year, please join our WhatsApp group! PSA WhatsApp Group.