Key Dates
Monday 20th May
Year 6 PGL meeting for parents at 8:50 am in the Large Hall
Year 1 visit to Windsor Castle
Year 2, 5 & 6 visit to the Rose Theatre
Tuesday 21st May
Year 6 Circus Skills workshop in school
Wednesday 22nd - Thursday 23rd May
Class photographs
Thursday 23rd May
Year 1 Lavender class parent assembly at 9:00 am
HOME LEARNING SHOWCASE for children in Year 5
Friday 24th May
Year 5 visit to Hampton Court Palace
HOME LEARNING SHOWCASE for children in Years 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6
Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May
Monday 3rd June
Thursday 6th June
Reception Sunflower class parent assembly at 9:00 am
Friday 7th June
Sports Day for Reception - Year 6
Sunday 9th June
PSA Car Boot Sale
Monday 10th June
PSA Mufti Monday and Summer Fair donations
Friday 14th June
PSA Dads' Breakfast at 7:45 – 8:45 am
PSA Year 6 cake sale
Saturday 15th June
PSA Summer Fair - Fern Fest from 12:00 – 3:00 pm
Tuesday 18th June
Year 5 visit to Thames Young Mariners
Thursday 20th June
Reception Poppy class parent assembly at 9:00 am
Key dates for this school year are published here. Some of these dates are provisional, and all dates are subject to change — please refer to this newsletter and communications via ParentPay for the latest information.
Click here for term dates including INSET days.
Class photographs
Class photographs (and the Year 6 Leavers' photograph) will be taken on Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd May. Children should wear full school uniform. The photographs will be available to purchase after the half-term break.
Your year group weekly news is published every Friday afternoon on your child's Home Learning Google Classroom. Home learning activities for this half-term are due for Friday 24th May for the Home Learning Showcases (Thursday 23rd May for Year 5).
A HUGE well done to all the children in Year 6 who took their SATs this week. We are very proud of their hard work and effort and hope they enjoy a well-deserved and relaxing weekend. We are looking forward to watching them perform their circus skills on Tuesday!
Lunches for the second half of the summer term are now available to order ahead on ParentPay. Don't forget to order by 8:00 am on the day required.
On Wednesday 22nd May, we'll be celebrating National Numeracy Day in school and the children have been invited to take part in the national Number Heroes Competition.
When they grow up, how will they use numbers in their life? As a firefighter, fashion designer, or footballer? Or do they dream of dancing, or deep-sea diving? Children can draw a picture or create a poster to explain how they will use numbers in their dream job or hobby.
Pictures and posters should be handed to Mrs Lawn by Friday 24th May and will be entered into the competition - with the chance of winning a fantastic prize!
Our Careers Fair for children in Years 5 & 6 has been rescheduled to the afternoon of Wednesday 19th June. We hope to showcase a broad range of careers and would welcome volunteers from our parent community at the Fair, to talk to the children about the jobs that they do. If you can help, please let us know by completing this linked form. Thank you. You can find all the details in the letter you received from Mrs Davies last term.
Sports Day - Friday 7th June
If you have a child in Years 3, 4, 5 or 6, please don't forget to complete the collection arrangements form linked here by Monday 20th May to let us know whether we will be dismissing your child directly to you at the Hawker Centre or if they will be returning to school. For all the details of Sports Day, a copy of the letter is linked here.
Spark! Pupil Competition
The Spark! Pupil Competition is now open. Children are invited to choose their favourite Spark! shortlisted book and create their own unique response...
They can be as creative as they like, but here are some ideas:
- Write a book review or design a book review poster
- Write a story or create a comic
- Bake a cake (send a photo)
- Create an artwork or model
- Create a story box for your favourite scene/setting
- Recreate the cover using sewing/collage/crochet
- Create a video book trailer
- Write a song & record it
There will be a book prize for the winner of each age category and the best entries will be sent on to the main Spark! Competition. Entries should be handed to your child's class teacher or Mrs Rouillard in the library by Tuesday 4th June - don't forget to include your name and class!
...will be back next week!
PSA News & Events
Summer Fair boards
Once again, local estate agents Curchods are kindly supporting our fundraising by advertising our Summer Fair on their branded boards. They will donate £10 to Fern Hill for every board that goes up outside parents’ houses or flats.
If you are happy to have a board outside your home, all you need to do is fill in the form linked here with the information requested by Wednesday 22nd May.
Please note these are NOT “for sale” signs – they advertise our Summer Fair only. They will be up from 27th May to 17th June.
Enter the Fern Fest Photography Competition: “Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together”
Calling all budding photographers! What comes to mind when you think of this year's Olympic Games motto: "Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together"? We would love to know!
Following the incredible talent and creativity showcased at the "Love Our Planet" photography competition last year, we are excited to launch this year's competition and see what the theme inspires. This is an inclusive, friendly competition, open to all levels of ability. There are two categories and each photographer can submit up to 3 photos.
There are two categories:
Children - Fern Hill pupils in all year groups
Open - everyone else, including Fern Hill parents and carers, children who are not pupils at Fern Hill and Fern Hill staff
To enter, complete the entry form linked here and then email your image/s to (not forgetting to include the photographer's name in the email!). The deadline for entries is Monday 3rd June.
Once the judges have selected a shortlist from the entries, online voting will open and your choices will be taken into account in the final decision-making on winners. The short-listed photos will be displayed in a gallery at Fern Fest, where the winning photos in each category will be revealed.
Short-listed and winning Photographers will receive a display copy of their printed photo after the event.
Any questions? Please contact us via email to:
Good luck!
Dads' Breakfast - can you help?
We need some willing mums or carers to help set up and serve at our Dads' Breakfast on Friday 14th June. If you can help with this event, please let your Class Rep know or message the PSA WhatsApp group. Thank you!