Information - Design & Create Week, including volntary contribution details below
Design and Create Week
Dear Parents,
We have organised a special week in school (13th-19th June) to develop the children’s passion and learning in Science, Computing and Technology.
There is a competition for the children to plan their own science investigation and an opportunity to learn about influential technologists, scientists and designers.
As part of the week, we have organised for your child to take part in a Lego Workshop. Children in Key Stage One will have the opportunity to construct a village using Lego developing the sophistication of their buildings as they see fit. Children in Key Stage Two will be set the task of lighting a model building with magnetic leads, batteries, switches and bulbs. They will also be asked to control a 'public transport' system with motorised trams or trains on a circular track. These activities will require all of our school values (Collaboration, Empathy, Excellence, and Inspiration) in order to be completed!
In order for this to take place, we would like to request a voluntary contribution of £5 per child. Please pay any contributions via ParentMail via the school shop. If you don’t have access to ParentMail you can bring in a cash donation in a sealed envelope marked “Design & Create Week” or may pay via cheque payable to Fern Hill Primary School.
Many thanks,
Mrs Farr and Mrs Brock
Computing Coordinator and Science Coordinator
Document attached below.