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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Parent Curriculum Meetings 

Parent Curriculum Meetings

The teaching staff have arranged meetings to share with you, as parents, the learning that will be taking place in each year group next term.  Staff will also share what they feel has worked well from the previous term and what support they will continue to need from parents & families.

There will be an opportunity at the end of the meeting for staff to answer any general questions that parents may have about learning in the year group.  The meetings will be held in the school hall between 9.00am-9.30am.


Spring Term 2017 Meeting dates

Date Time Class
Monday 9th January 9.00am Year 6
Tuesday 10th January 9.00am Year 5
Wednesday 11th January 9.00am Year 4
Thursday 12th January 9.00am Year 3
Friday 13th January 9.00am Year 2
Monday 23rd January 9.00am Year 1
Thursday 24th January 9.00am Reception
Wednesday 25th January 9.00am Nursery

(Please note, these dates were revised 2/12/16)


Inspiration Collaboration Empathy Excellence