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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Cake Sales

Year Group Cake Sales

Every school year, each year group from Nursery up to Year 6 has the opportunity to run two cake sales. These sales are organised by the year group Class Reps.

Parents from the year group are asked to contribute by donating cakes (cupcakes, whole cakes, biscuits etc., home-made or shop bought) which are then sold after school at pick up time. The whole school are invited to buy the cakes which are sold for 50p each.

Proceeds from the sale are for the exclusive use of the year group running the sale and are used by the class teachers to buy resources to enhance classroom learning. Class Reps will agree with their teachers what the money raised will be used for and communicate this to parents before the sale. Any money not used at the end of the school year will be added to the PSA Book Fund and used to buy books (fiction and non-fiction) for the school libraries.

The dates of each year group's cake sales are set at the start of the year - the schedule for this academic year is posted below. 

Other Cake Sales

In addition to year group cake sales, the PSA asks parents across all year groups to donate cakes for additional sales, to support PSA specific events and other charities:

Macmillan Coffee Morning - donated cakes are sold and auctioned at the PSA's Coffee Morning which is run in support of Macmillan's World's Biggest Coffee Morning campaign. All proceeds go to Macmillan Cancer Support

Children In Need - a cake sale is held every November and all proceeds go to the BBC Children in Need charity.  

Christmas Fair cafe - donated cakes are sold at the cafe during the Christmas Fair along with hot and cold drinks. All proceeds go to PSA school funds.

Year 5 Residential Trip - a special cake sale specifically for Year 5 to raise money to buy treats on their Residential trip in May. All parents from all year groups are asked to donate cakes for this sale - every child will have been on this trip or will go at some point in the future. 

Summer Fair cafe - donated cakes are sold at the cafe during the Summer Fair along with hot and cold drinks. All proceeds go to PSA school funds.

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