Key Dates
Monday 13th November
Anti Bullying Week
Tuesday 14th November
Prospective parent tours - 1.45pm
Oak class parent assembly - 2.45pm
Thursday 16th November
Prospective parent tours 9.30am
Friday 17th November
Children in Need - Spotty Mufti Day!
Tuesday 21st November
Prospective parent tours 1.45pm
Elder Class assembly 2.45pm
Wednesday 22nd November
Year 4 Thames Explorers
PSA Meeting 7.30-9pm
Thursday 23rd November
Prospective parent tours 1.45pm
Rec-Y4 Flu nasal spray
Year 4 Thames Explorers
Friday 24th November
Chestnut & Larch flu nasal spray
Monday 27th November
Year 4 Thames Explorers
Tuesday 28th November
Prospective parent tours 1.45pm
Wednesday 29th November
Yrs4-6 FernSpeak Heats 1.30-2.30pm
Year group newsletters
All years
Yoga & Nutrition
Nursery say Goodbye
On Friday 24th November we will be saying farewell to nursery nurse Miss Day. She has been with us for 5 years seeing many children through our nursery. We wish her well in her new position as a manager in a Claygate nursery. Good luck Miss Day!
Sports Report
The children have been really busy with sports this week, look out for full reports and photo's in next weeks newsletter when the children have had a chance to write about their sporting challenges.
Request for Spares
If you have any spare or unwanted school socks tights or underwear we would happily receive them to see us through the winter months. Thank you.
Change to Bracken & Beech Class Parent Assemblies
We have had to make a change to the class assemblies for both Bracken and Beech classes
Bracken Class parent assembly has now moved from 5th December to 23rd January 2018 @ 2.45pm
Beech Class has moved from 23rd January to 5th December 2017 @ 2.45pm
We are sorry if this causes you any inconvenience.
School Photographs
Today is the deadline for getting your school photograph orders in with free delivery to school . If you have missed the deadline there is the opportunity to bring final orders to the office on Monday morning but these will incur a £3 charge. Please refer to the ParentMail message send today for further details.
Children In Need
Next week on Friday 17th November we are inviting all children and staff to dress in spots for the day in support of Children In Need. They can wear whatever spotty clothing they wish (excluding football shirts) in exchange for a £1 donation for the charity. The PSA will be at the school gates in the morning at drop off to collect all donations. The charity also accept the old style £1 coins so feel free to send in any that you may have lying around or hiding in piggy banks.
Cake Sale
The PSA will also be running a themed cake sale after school with all proceeds going to Children in Need. This is a whole school cake sale and we’d be very grateful for donations of cakes from all year groups for this. Whole cakes, cupcakes, biscuits, home-made or shop-brought. Themed ‘Pudsey’ cakes or cakes with spots would be brilliant too!
Donations can be left in school reception on the morning of Friday 17th, or brought along to the cake sale before pick up at 3.00pm. Thank you.
Important Reminders
All general enquiries should come through to the school office.
Tel: 020 8247 0300 or via email
Lunch enquires can be directed to -
Club enquiries can be directed to -
If you have a cash payment to make to school, can we request that you bring it in an envelope, clearly labelled. The school envelope stock has greatly depleted recently due to receiving loose cash.
Please can we have all outstanding flu nasal spray forms returned by Monday 13th November whether you wish your child to receive it or not.
As the weather turns chilly please remember to send your children to school with warmer navy blue/ black tracksuit for their outdoor PE lessons. Trainers are also preferable as plimsoles aren't suitable for outdoor use.
Anti-Bullying Week
Next week we will be focusing on 'All Different, All Equal' as part of anti bullying week in school, with friendship as our main focus. We hope that by the end of the week the children are very clear of what bullying is and what it is not, who they should speak to if bullying occurs and how to be good friend.
All children will be bringing home a card about bullying which we would encourage all parents & carers to discuss with their children.
In support of Anti-Bullying Week the stationary store Smiggle are giving away 'be kind' wrist bands.
If you are visiting Kingston Bentalls Centre or Richmond town centre this weekend why not pop in and ask for one, it would be lovely to see some being worn in school next week.
The overall winner this week is School Richmond
Fun Week for Daisy!
This week Daisy Class were so excited to have a special visit from Alan and Zoolab on Monday. We were so lucky and got to meet 5 exciting animals on the same day that we started our new jungle topic! We met Leo the Gecko, Spike the Bearded dragon, Tallulah the Tarantula, Gary the Giant African land snail and Milkshake the Milk snake. We were so proud of our amazing Daisies for being so brave and holding lots of new animals!
Miss Roberts and the Daisy team.
Teddy Tennis
This morning Teddy Tennis came to play with Daisy class to work with them on tennis and ball skills. As you can see the children really enjoyed the fun and games!
Well Done Year 4
Year 4 have been busy building some wonderful interpretations of Stonehenge this week. We're impressed with the fantastic creativity that has been displayed. Some ingenious materials were used, they include Lego, clay, sponge, biscuits, icing and marshmallow's! They will be hosting an exhibition for the children in school next week.
PSA News - easyfundraising
With Christmas just around the corner, this is the perfect time to sign up to easyfundraising which generates free cash for Fern Hill. We would like all Fern Hill families know about easyfundraising as it's the most simple and free way to raise extra money for our school when you shop online.
Over 3,200 online shops and retailers are part of easyfundraising including Amazon, John Lewis, ebay, Argos, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, Marks & Spencer, The Entertainer, Not on The High Street and many more. There are no catches or hidden charges and it won’t cost you a penny. There’s even a handy app and donation reminder.
Easy to join and completely free, click here to register!
You can find out more about easyfundraising on the PSA pages of our school website. We doubled the number of supporters we had last year and would love to do that again – can you help us reach our goal of 200 supporters?
Thank you for your support!
Weekly Attendance
Well done to year 4 who had the best year group attendance for this week, and to Birch Class who achieved 99.35% attendance!
Year | Attendance % | Star Year ★ |
Reception | 95.39% | |
Year 1 | 95.11% | |
Year 2 | 96% | |
Year 3 | 93.69% | |
Year 4 | 97.48% | Superstars! |
Year 5 | 92.83% | |
Year 6 | 97.08% |