Key Dates
NEW DATE! Monday 12th November
Odd Socks Day - Children may wear odd socks to school!
Monday 12th November
Zoolab visit to Nursery
Monday 12th November
School silence at 11.00 am to mark Remembrance Day
Tuesday 13th November
Reception trip to Tudor Drive Library
Tuesday 13th November
Children in Need wristbands and pin badges go on sale
Wednesday 14th November
Planetarium visit for Year 5
Wednesday 14th November
Year 4 trip to Thames Explorers (Yew & Larch)
Thursday 15th November
Oak class parent assembly, 9.00 am
Friday 16th November
Year 4 trip to Thames Explorers (Chestnut)
Friday 16th November
Children in Need 'Spotacular' mufti day & cake sale
Monday 19th November
Year 6 trip to the Imperial War Museum (Oak & Elder)
Thursday 22nd November
Year 6 trip to the Imperial War Museum (Willow)
Thursday 22nd November
Elder class parent assembly, 9.00 am
Thursday 22nd November
PSA Committee meeting, 7.30 pm in the Small Hall
Thursday 29th November
Rowan class parent assembly, 9.00 am
Thursday 29th November
FernSpeak heats
Friday 30th November
Year 2 cake sale
Children in Need
Don't forget our Children in Need fundraising mufti day on Friday 16th November when children and staff may come to school dressed in spots. Year 6 children will be collecting donations at the gates on Friday morning. We've taken delivery of the colour changing wristbands and Pudsey pin badges and they will be on sale at the gates in the morning from Tuesday next week. Please send £1 in with your child if they would like to buy one. To round off a 'spotacular' day, the PSA are running a themed cake sale after school on Friday 16th and would be very grateful for contributions. You can drop off cakes in school reception on Friday morning or bring them directly to the sale after school. All proceeds from the week will go directly to the BBC Children in Need charity which you can find out more about here.
Kingston Music Service lessons
If your child has a music lesson with Kingston Music Service during the school day, please remember to contact KMS directly if your child will not be attending their lesson. This also includes occasions when your child is on a school trip. You can contact KMS by email on:
Year group newsletters
STTA U11 Tournament
Curchods Board Sponsorship Consent Form
Congratulations to Mrs Mehran, our lovely Year 4 Teaching Assistant, who is expecting a baby in the Spring!
Curriculum Information
The Curriculum Learning Maps for the second half of this term are now all available on the website under your Year Group page. Linked to a theme, they cover what your child is learning across all subjects and any activities they will participate in, including trips and workshops.
Friends of Latchmere Recreation Ground (FoLAR) are holding their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 21st November at 7.30 pm at Latchmere School when they will be presenting their plans for the redevelopment of the recreation ground. All are welcome.
We are holding an Odd Socks Day for Anti Bullying Week!
Next week is Anti Bullying Week, an annual awareness week organised by the Anti Bullying Alliance, and we are marking the start of it by supporting their Odd Socks Day. On Monday 12th November, children and staff are invited to come to school wearing odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique. Odd Sock Day is not a mufti day so children will still need to come to school in uniform but they may wear any odd socks they choose!
The theme of this year’s Anti Bullying Week is ‘Choose Respect’, highlighting that bullying is a behaviour choice, and that everyone can set a positive example by opting to respect each other at school, in their homes and communities, and online.
Remembrance Reads
Sunday marks 100 years since the end of World War I. There are a huge number of children’s books available for them to learn more about both World Wars including fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Please take a look at Scholastics selection of books for Remembrance Day here. They have selected Poppy Field as their Book of the Month for November – a powerful, timely book that explores the First World War and the importance of the poppy as a symbol of peace and remembrance. While the story explores the long shadows of war, extensive notes at the back of the book give more information about the war itself and the famous poem, In Flanders Fields, that inspired the book.
Sports News
The Surrey Table Tennis Association is running an under 11s tournament on Saturday 24th November at the Graham Spicer Table Tennis Club in New Malden. The tournament will be all about having fun and playing as many matches as possible. If you child was born in 2008 or later and would like to take part, please see the attached poster for more information. The closing date for entries is 4.00 pm on Thursday 15th November.
Tree Tops News
On Wednesday 7th November, Tree Tops left the comfort of the Small Hall and headed to the Nursery classroom to make way for the fireworks display – an ideal opportunity for a cooking activity!
"Using a range of ingredients, we made delicious pitta bread pizzas. We thought about the differences between healthy and unhealthy foods and talked about why it’s good to feed our bodies a healthy and balanced diet. We have also been making sun catcher poppies for Remembrance Day.
We have explored heroes past and present and what we think it means to be brave. Come and have a look at some of our poppies displayed in the windows of the Small Hall! Keep your eyes peeled for further Tree Tops updates and news…we’re designing a newsletter!"
- Sam S, Nina, Gauri, Lexi C and the Tree Tops Newsletter crew.
We have been asking the children what they think about Tree Tops and we have had some lovely feedback!
"Coming to Tree Tops is lots of fun. There is lots to do.”
- Lizzie W, Year 4
“When you come to Tree Tops there are lots of friendly faces to greet you. And lots of helpful and friendly adults.”
- Sam S, Year 5
“Coming to Tree Tops turns my sad face into a happy face. I love coming to Tree Tops.”
- Lexi C, Year 2
“We get to play outside and use the computers!”
- Lucas B, Year 1
The overall winner this week is HAMPTON!
PSA News & Events
Fireworks Night
The PSA’s Fireworks Night on Wednesday 7th was a huge success with lots of Fern Hill families enjoying a wonderful professional fireworks display. A huge thank you to all the parents who helped on the night and also to all those staff who gave up their evening to help as well. This is always a very popular event and we will let you know how much money we raised as soon as possible.
Dads’ Breakfast
Our Dads’ Breakfast event back in October raised a grand total of £285.95! Thanks to all the parent helpers on the day and to all the dads who donated so generously.
Christmas trees for sale outside school during December
As in previous years, Christmas trees will be available to buy outside school from 9.00am to 3.00pm during the following weekends: Sat 1st and Sun 2nd, Sat 8th and Sun 9th, Sat 15th and Sun 16th December. This is an excellent opportunity to buy high-quality Christmas trees and also support our school. The trees are sold by a former Fern Hill parent who has generously agreed to donate 25% of the money raised from the tree sales to Fern Hill.
Sponsorship boards
Local estate agents Curchods are kindly supporting our Christmas fundraising. They will be advertising our Christmas tree sale on their branded boards and will donate £10 to Fern Hill for every board that goes up outside parents’ houses or flats. The more boards that go up, the more money we will raise to benefit our children. Please note these are NOT “for sale” signs – they advertise our tree sales. Curchods will arrange for them to be put up the week of 26th November and taken down the week of 17th December.
To have a board outside your home, all you need to do is complete the consent form, attached to this newsletter, and return it via the school letterbox in the entrance to main reception or scan and email it to by Friday 16th November. Consent forms are also available in school reception. Please don’t miss this deadline and thank you in advance for your support!
Christmas Fair – save the date!
Yes, Christmas is only around the corner! This year’s PSA Christmas Fair will be on Friday 14th December from 3.00 to 5.00pm. There’ll be plenty more details about the fair coming your way throughout November but please make sure to save the date. As usual, we will also be holding a tombola collection day on Friday 7th December to allow parents to donate items for the fair.
Weekly Attendance
Well done to Year 2 who had the best year group attendance for this week.
The Attendance Cup is awarded to Beech class for the best attendance with 100%.
Year | Attendance % | Star Year ★ |
Reception | 95.20% | |
Year 1 | 96.78% | |
Year 2 | 98.00% | WELL DONE! |
Year 3 | 97.33% | |
Year 4 | 96.98% | |
Year 5 | 97.42% | |
Year 6 | 96.63% |
Nursery Newsletter 9th November 2018
Reception Newsletter 9th November 2018
Year 1 Newsletter 9th November 2018
Year 2 Newsletter 9th November 2018
Year 3 Newsletter 9th November 2018
Year 4 Newsletter 9th November 2018
Year 5 Newsletter 9th November 2018
Year 6 Newsletter 9th November 2018
STTA U11 Tournament
Curchods Board Sponsorship Consent Form