Key Dates
Monday 17th June - Friday 21st June
Year 5 Bikeability (morning & afternoon sessions)
Monday 17th June
Daisy class Dynamic Dads stay & play sessions (morning & afternoon)
Monday 17th June
Year 6 Willow and Elder classes visit the National Portrait Gallery
Monday 17th June
KS2 Choir perform at the Festival of School Choirs (Rose Theatre)
Tuesday 18th June
Daisy class Dynamic Dads stay & play sessions (morning & afternoon)
Wednesday 19th June
Reception visit Chessington Zoo
Thursday 20th June
Bluebell class parent assembly at 9.00 am in the Large Hall
Friday 21st June
Nursery cake sale at 3.00 pm
Monday 24th June
Year 5 Cedar & Ash classes visit Wakehurst Place
Monday 24th June
Year 6 Oak class visit the National Portrait Gallery
Tuesday 25th June
Fern Hill Music Evening, 6.00 pm in the Large Hall (for the families of pupils performing only)
Wednesday 26th June
Year 5 Lime & Sycamore visit Wakehurst Place
Wednesday 26th June
Parents' Welcome Evening (for families joining Nursery & Reception in September) at 7.00 pm
Thursday 27th June
Year 2 visit Bocketts Farm
Thursday 27th June
Year 6 visit Albany Outdoors
Friday 28th June
PSA Dads' Breakfast at 8.00 am in the Large Hall
Friday 28th June
Parent Council Meeting at 9.00 am in the Small Hall
Monday 1st July
Year 1 visit Birdworld
Thursday 4th July
Year 4 sleepover at Thames Young Mariners (Thursday 4th - Friday 5th July)
Thursday 4th July
Year 5 visit Kidzania
Saturday 6th July
PSA Summer Social Comedy Night at 7.30 pm in the Large Hall
Monday 8th July
Year 1 Summer Concert at 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Monday 8th July
Nursery Summer Concert at 11.00 am & 2.45 pm in the Small Hall
Tuesday 9th July
Year 2 Summer Concert at 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Tuesday 9th July
Year 6 Production Performance at 6.00 pm in the Large Hall
Wednesday 10th July
Year 6 Production Performance at 9.30 am in the Large Hall
Thursday 11th July
Reception Summer Concert at 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Thursday 11th July
Year 6 visit Kew Gardens
Thursday 11th July
Year 5 Micro Society assembly at 2.30 pm in the Large Hall
Thursday 11th July
Pupil End of Year Reports sent home
Friday 12th July
Year 6 visit Albany Outdoors
Friday 12th July
Class Change-over Day - children visit their new class
Nursery closed - children joining Nursery & Reception in September visiting
Nut Free
Just a reminder that we are a nut-free school. Please do not send any products containing nuts into school or on a school trip with your child, including cereal bars and chocolate spreads.
Tree Tops
All Tree Tops sessions must be booked in advance to ensure we can provide the correct staff to pupil ratio. If you have missed the 3 day cut off period for booking on ParentPay, please contact us by email at or by telephone on 0208 247 0300 to see if there is space for your child. Likewise, if you have booked a place for your child and no longer require it, please let us know so we can offer the space to someone else. You can cancel a place via Parent Pay or, if you have missed the 3 day cut off period, by email at or by telephone on 0208 247 0300. Thank you for your understanding.
Year Group Newsletters
Fern Hill Music Evening
Thank you to all the children who have requested to perform at the Fern Hill Music Evening on Tuesday 25th June. The concert will be held in the Large Hall and will start promptly at 6.00 pm; performers must arrive by 5.45 pm at the latest, with their music and instruments ready. If you have any questions about the Music Evening, please email Miss Day via the school office:
After School & Lunchtime Club Notices
Start to Sing Club on Monday 17th June is cancelled; a catch up session will be run on Thursday 18thJuly.
A reminder for the Year 5 children following the Bikeability programme next week: don’t forget your bike and helmet, you’ll need them every day! You can leave your bike in the one of the bike racks when you get to school but make sure you lock it and keep the key safe. You will be outside for the length of the course so do bring a waterproof jacket if it looks like rain. If you are attending the course in the morning, please come down to the school office at 10.00 am to meet the instructors. If you’re on the afternoon sessions, you’ll need to be at the school office by 1.00 pm so grab an early lunch at 12.30 pm.
Home learning has been a priority for us at Fern Hill this year. While it is always going to be a challenge to offer home learning experiences which are tailored to the needs of all our families, we are delighted to announce a new initiative and structure for home learning for children in Years 1 through to 6. This follows extensive feedback from our parent community via the Parent Council, the completion of a questionnaire by pupils in Years 3 and 4, evidence from research based projects and consultation with the teaching staff.
A Home Learning Grid for your child’s year group for this half term is now available on your year group page of the school website. The Home Learning Grids detail tasks which are non-negotiable. By this, we mean they must be done by everyone as they are essential to enhance learning and support progress. In addition to these ‘non-negotiable’ tasks we have included nine enrichment tasks and ONE of these must be completed. You may of course choose to do more. The Home Learning Grids are purposefully constructed to offer a choice of learning for your child (encouraging them to select how and what they would like to learn) and an opportunity for them to challenge themselves and extend their learning if they wish.
A date has been set for your child to bring in their completed enrichment task. There will be an opportunity on this day for your child to ‘Show and Tell’ their home learning which may take a variety of forms dependent on the year group and types of tasks being shared. In some cases a photo of the activity would be perfectly acceptable. If you have any questions about the tasks, please speak to your child’s class teacher.
Home learning can be an opportunity for collaborative learning between adult and child and some tasks may require adult support. Our hope is that through this new home learning initiative the children will be motivated and inspired through ownership.
Our new approach to home learning for the autumn term will be refined after this trial. We would be very grateful for your thoughts so if you have any feedback, please let your class teacher know. We hope that your child will enjoy choosing from the range of tasks to continue to develop their love of learning.
Our annual Parent & Carer Survey will be available for you to complete online until midnight on Sunday 16th June.
You can access the survey by clicking here.
Thank you to all the families who have completed the Parent & Carer Survey to give us their views about Fern Hill and their child’s experience here. We very much value the feedback of our parent and carer community. Mr Scott will announce the winners of the incentive during whole school assembly on Monday: the year group which receives the most survey responses will enjoy their own mufti (non-uniform) day later this term. As of this morning, Year 1 are in the lead but it really is very close and there is still time to show your support and give us your feedback, if you haven’t already done so!
The survey is designed to enable you to complete a questionnaire for each of your children attending Fern Hill so if you have more than one child here, please take the opportunity to do a survey for each. More than one parent can also complete a survey for each child.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey; we look forward to receiving your feedback.
Year 3 Science Exhibition
Last week, Year 3 children had a fantastic time creating all kinds of show pieces for their mini Science Exhibition which was held on Monday. They designed posters, leaflets and even pop-up and interactive models! The children put tremendous effort into these projects and really enjoyed showing them off to their families. Thank you to everyone who attended despite the awful weather! Your support means so much to the children and staff.
Please save the date for the following year group performances to which families are warmly invited:
Monday 8th July
Nursery Summer Concert at 11.00 am & 2.45 pm in the Small Hall
Monday 8th July
Year 1 Summer Concert at 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Tuesday 9th July
Year 2 Summer Concert at 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Tuesday 9th July
Year 6 Production Performance at 6.00 pm in the Large Hall
Wednesday 10th July
Year 6 Production Performance at 9.30 am in the Large Hall
Thursday 11th July
Reception Summer Concert at 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Thursday 11th July
Year 5 Micro Society assembly at 2.30 pm in the Large Hall
Thursday 18th July
Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly at 9.00 am in the Large Hall
Not My Fault
Cath Howe is Fern Hill’s Writer in Residence. She is a teacher and author of children’s books including the highly acclaimed ‘Ella on the Outside’ and most recently, ‘Not My Fault’. Cath also runs our annual performing arts festival, Fern Speak which last year saw over 150 of our children performing poetry, public speaking and acting. Later this month Cath will be in school to deliver an assembly to the children in Years 3 to 6 and, on Friday 28th June, will be signing copies of her new book ‘Not My Fault’ after school. Please look out for further information next week via Parent Pay on how you can pre-order a personalised, signed copy of ‘Not My Fault’ and beat the book signing queue!
Friendly Ferns
Friendly Ferns is a lunchtime club, run by the children for the children, to provide a quiet and peaceful haven from the hustle and bustle of the playground. The children have drawn up a wish list of resources they would like and wonder if any of our families might already have one of the items at home and would be willing to donate them: magazines for girls or boys, toy cars, Jenga blocks, a marble run. Donations can be left with the school office. Please mark them clearly for the attention of the Friendly Ferns! Thank you.
The overall winner this week is COOMBE
PSA News & Events
Summer Fair – Saturday 15th June, 12.00pm to 3.00pm
We look forward to welcoming families to our Summer Fair tomorrow! For a sneak preview, please have a look at the brochure that came home today in book bags.
Raffle tickets. Thank you to everyone who has bought raffle tickets and good luck in the prize draw tomorrow! If you’d like to buy more tickets, they will be available at the fair.
Tokens. Please remember that in keeping with this year’s theme, stalls in the KS1 playground will be paid for with tokens. Tokens are worth 50p each and can be purchased with cash or by card using our new izettle machines during the fair. Please be aware that tokens are non-refundable but there will be plenty of chances to use them at the fair.
Competitions. Entries for our baking competition should be delivered to the Main Hall tomorrow between 9.30 and 11.00. Judging will commence at 11.30 and judges’ decisions are final. Thank you to all those families who have brought in their entries to our junk robot, sunflower and portrait competitions. We still have space for some more portrait entries so if you're finishing off your masterpiece, please bring it in by 10.00 am tomorrow. The winners will be announced at the fair. Good luck!
International Food Stall and cakes for the café. Please bring your donations for the International Food Stall or the café to the fair tomorrow. Thank you.
Summer Fair – sunflower fact of the week
For our final sunflower fact, it’s a simple yet surprising one: the sunflower is the only flower with the word flower in its name.
Dads’ Breakfast – Friday 28th June
One of our most popular events, Dads’ Breakfast, will be held on Friday 28th June from 7.45 to 8.45am in the Main Hall. This event is a great opportunity for Fern Hill children to come to school with their dads, grandads, uncles and or other significant men to enjoy a delicious breakfast and meet up with other parents and carers.
This is a free event, funded by the PSA, with cereals, toast, pastries, tea, coffee and juice all on the menu.
To book your places, please RSVP via by Monday 24th June. Each attendee should hold a ticket, so for example if you are bringing two children to the breakfast, three tickets need to be booked. Due to space restrictions, only children currently attending Fern Hill (Daisy Class through to Year 6) can attend. No babes in arms or buggies please - thank you for your understanding. To reduce waste at this event, please bring your own reusable lidded coffee cup.
PSA Summer Social Comedy Night – Saturday 6th July
This brand-new end of year event will take place on Saturday 6th July from 7.30pm with a fabulous line up of professional stand-up comedians: Zoe Lyons, Dominic Holland, Richard Morton and Ninia Benjamin! Tickets are £20 and will go on sale online next week. Keep an eye out for the link coming out via Parent Pay. Tickets will sell fast so please book early to avoid missing out on what promises to be a brilliant evening out.
Thanks for your support.
Fern Hill PSA.
Weekly Attendance
Well done to Reception who have the best year group attendance for this week.
The Attendance Cup is awarded once again to Sunflower class this week who have 100% attendance.
Year | Attendance % | Star Year ★ |
Reception | 99.1% | Well done! |
Year 1 | 98.7% | |
Year 2 | 98.7% | |
Year 3 | 98.2% | |
Year 4 | 97.9% | |
Year 5 | 97.8% | |
Year 6 | 95.4% |