Key Dates
Tuesday 19th November
Flu vaccination (nasal spray) for children in Reception to Year 6
Wednesday 20th November
Year 6 Elder & Oak classes visit the Churchill War Rooms
Thursday 21st November
Year 2 Clover class assembly at 9.00 am in the Large Hall
School tour for prospective Reception parents, 9.30 - 11.00 am
PSA Committee Meeting at 7.30 pm in the Small Hall
Friday 22nd November
Year 6 Hawthorn & Willow classes visit the Churchill War Rooms
Year 2 Cake Sale at 3.00 pm
Monday 25th November
Year 6 Oak class visit the Synagogue
Tuesday 26th November
Year 4 Yew class visit Pizza Express
Year 1 visit Tudor Drive Library
School tour for prospective Reception parents, 9.30 - 11.00 am
Wednesday 27th November
Year 4 Chestnut and Larch visit Pizza Express
Year 6 Hawthorn class visit the Synagogue
Thursday 28th November
Year 6 Elder class assembly at 9.00 am in the Large Hall
Fern Speak semi-finals for Year 4 and 6 participants
Friday 29th November
Parent Council meeting at 9.00 am in the Small Hall
Thursday 5th December
Reception classes visit the theatre
School tour for prospective Reception parents, 9.30 - 11.00 am
Fern Speak Finals for Years 4 & 6 - families of children performing are invited
Friday 6th December
Mufti Day for PSA Christmas events
Year 1 Cake Sale
Monday 9th December
Christmas cards may come into school
Nursery Winter Concerts at 9.00 am & 2.30 pm in the Small Hall
Tuesday 10th December
Reception Winter Concert, 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Wednesday 11th December
Year 1 Winter Concert, 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Pantomime performance in school for Nursery & Reception
Thursday 12th December
Year 2 Winter Concert, 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Whole School Christmas Lunch
Friday 13th December
PSA Christmas Events in school
Key dates for the 2019/2020 academic year are posted on the website here.
Lost Property
We've had a number of named school uniform items that have gone missing recently, including coats. Please can you check your child's uniform over the weekend to ensure they haven't accidentally brought home someone else's property. Thank you.
Please may we remind you to park considerately in our neighbouring roads and pay particular attention to parking restrictions and road markings when dropping off and collecting your child.
Year Group Newsletters
After School Club Notices
French Lunchtime Club will be running twice next week, on both Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd November. There will not be catch up session on Thursday 12th December as originally planned. If your child attends French Club, please ensure they have a packed lunch on both days.
It’s been a fabulous Maths Week! On Tuesday we welcomed nearly 200 parents and carers into school for the Maths Mastery in Action classroom sessions with Years 1 to 6. Thank you very much to everyone who attended. We’d love to hear what you thought of the sessions and will be sending out a feedback form next week.
Our Mathletics competition has been gathering pace and the computing suite has been packed at lunchtime with children building up their class points. The competition runs until Sunday evening and the three classes who achieve the most points from Years 1 & 2, 3 & 4 and 5 & 6 will be announced during assembly on Monday. Foxglove, Rowan and Willow classes are in pole position to be the winners but it’s a very close race, with everything to play for over the weekend!
Winter Concerts
Please make a note in your diary of the dates of our year group Winter Concerts in December. Further information about our end of term Christmas celebrations will be included in next week's newsletter.
Each year group has their own concert, either at school for the Nursery, Reception and Year 1 and 2 children or at the beautiful All Saints Church in Kingston for Years 3 through to 6. We'll be sending out a letter next week regarding the concerts at All Saints Church.
Nursery - Monday 9th December, 9.00 am & 2.30 pm in the Small Hall
Reception – Tuesday 10th December, 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Year 1 – Wednesday 11th December, 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Year 2 – Thursday 12th December, 9.15 am in the Large Hall
Years 3 & 4 – Tuesday 17th December, 10.15 am at All Saints Church, Kingston
Years 5 & 6 – Tuesday 17th December, 1.30 pm at All Saints Church, Kingston
School Photographs
Thank you for your school photograph orders. If you missed the deadline date for free delivery, orders are still being accepted but are subject to a £3 delivery charge. Please order promptly to ensure you receive your photographs before the end of term.
Photographs may be ordered online or using the order form on the proof sheet that was sent home with your child before the half term break.
If you have any queries please contact our school photographer, Kans Bahara, at In Time Photography, directly via email at or by telephone on 07931 593 169.
The overall winner this week is Coombe
PSA News and Events
Our Christmas events are happening on Friday 13th December – please save the date! We'll be sending out all the details next week.
Christmas trees for sale outside school
As in previous years, Christmas trees will be available to buy outside school from 9.00am to 3.00pm during the following weekends: Sat 30th Nov and Sun 1st Dec, Sat 7th and Sun 8th Dec, Sat 14th and Sun 15th Dec. This is an excellent opportunity to buy high-quality Christmas trees and also support our school. The trees are sold by a former Fern Hill parent who has generously agreed to donate a significant percentage of the money raised from the tree sales to Fern Hill.
Thank you very much to all those parents who signed up for a board advertising our tree sales – we have now reached the limit of permitted boards for this year, raising £500 for our school!
Children In Need cake sale
A big thank you to all those parents who baked and brought items for our special Children In Need cake sale after school today. Next week we will let you know the total raised.
PSA committee meeting – Thursday 21st November
Please come along to our next committee meeting which is in the Small Hall from 7.30pm next Thursday 21st. We’re a very welcoming bunch and we look forward to seeing you there.
Thank you for your support
Fern Hill PSA
Weekly Attendance
Well done to Year 3 who have the best year group attendance for this week.
The Attendance Cup is awarded to three classes this week! Well done to Beech, Elm and Yew classes, each with 100% attendance.
Year | Attendance % | Star Year ★ |
Reception | 93.9% | |
Year 1 | 98.1% | |
Year 2 | 97.0% | |
Year 3 | 99.8% | ★ |
Year 4 | 98.4% | |
Year 5 | 97.6% | |
Year 6 | 97.5% |