Key Dates
Friday 17th September
Reception Meet the Teacher — Parent Welcome Meeting, 9:00 am in the Large Hall
Monday 20th September
Nursery Meet the Teacher — Parent Welcome Meeting, 9:00 am in the Large Hall
Wednesday 29th September
Reception & Year 1 Phonics Parent Workshop, 9:00 am in the Large Hall
Monday 4th — Wednesday 6th October
Pupil photographs in school
Wednesday 13th & Thursday 14th October
Parents' Evening - details to follow
Key dates for the 2021/2022 school year are noted in the year group Meet the Teacher welcome meeting presentations and will be available to view on the school website next week
Please remember to order your child's school lunches before the ParentPay deadline. All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal as part of the Universal Free School Meal scheme but please note that although lunches under this scheme are free of charge, you must still place an order for a lunch using ParentPay and make a selection from the menu. Information about school lunch is available here.
Extracurricular Club Collection Points
Year Group Newsletters
Over the course of this half-term, Year 1 through to Year 6 we be transitioning to a new Home Learning Google Classroom. This is where you will access your child’s Home Learning Grid and other curriculum related information and activities, e.g. spelling lists. The weekly year group newsletter will be replaced by a weekly news item on this Classroom stream. More details will follow shortly. In the meantime, your year group news will be sent via ParentPay every Friday.
Meet the Teacher
Thank you to all the families who were able to join their year group Meet the Teacher meeting. We were delighted to welcome you back into school and hope you found the content and discussion useful. If you have any feedback regarding how we can improve the meeting for next year, please do let us know. On Friday, you will have received an email via ParentPay with a link to your year group’s Meet the Teacher presentation, hosted on our Google Drive. You do not need to sign in to Google with either your own personal account or your child’s school account to view it however it is only accessible using the link provided. Please note that the presentations will not be posted on the website.
The Meet the Teacher welcome meeting for Reception will be held on Friday 17th September and the meeting for Nursery on Monday 20th September.
Lost Property
A lost property box is located in each of the playgrounds. If your child has lost an item, please check these boxes before contacting the school office. We will always endeavour to return items to their owner so please make sure that everything your child brings to school is clearly named, including water bottles. Once the lost property boxes are full, the contents will be put out on a table by the main entrance of school. The boxes are usually emptied every Friday. Items not collected by the end of every half-term are disposed of.
We’ve had a wonderful start to the new school year! 'Welcome Week' has been all about settling in and celebrating the culture and diversity of each class. The children have spent time focusing on activities that create a sense of belonging and togetherness, getting to know their new class teachers and remembering the expectations and routines of the day. We are all looking forward to the busy term ahead!
This school year we are operating a 'relaxed start' to the school day. This means that your child may go straight into their classroom once their playground gates are opened. The infant playground gates are opened at 8:45 am and the junior playground gates slightly earlier at 8:40 am.
Please may we remind you of the importance of the children being on time and settled in their classrooms before the start of the school day. Registers close for children in Years 3 – 6 at 8:50 am and for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 at 8:55 am. Your child will be marked late if they arrive after this time.
Extracurricular Clubs
Extracurricular lunchtime and after school clubs start next week on Monday 13th September. Please note that Spanish and French lunchtime clubs have a delayed start and will not begin until the following week, week commencing 20th September. Gardening club will run for this half-term only. Term dates are available here.
Applications for lunchtime and after school clubs have now closed — if you would like your child to be placed on the waiting list, please email the Clubs Administrator at:
If your child is attending a lunchtime club, they must bring a packed lunch from home on that day. They will not be able to have a school lunch due to the timings of the club.
For all sports clubs, your child should wear their school PE kit, bring a water bottle and a waterproof jacket in case of wet weather. Footballers MUST wear shin pads with long socks and trainers or Astro boots.
All after school clubs start directly after the end of the school day and finish at 4:30 pm. Please be prompt collecting your child. Details of where clubs are dismissed from is available here and attached below. A list of these collection points is also displayed on the doors to school reception at the main entrance.
Please note that children must be collected by a responsible adult and may only walk home alone if they are in Year 6 and have written parental permission to do so.
Our Six Rs Competition!
In school, we have launched a competition to design new characters to represent our six Rs and Diamond Rules. Last term, the children decided that the theme should be superheroes and have been asked to design their own superhero to represent each of the six Rs. They have been working on this in class but we would love them to have a go at home too.
Their designed superhero(es) must have: a name, a slogan to represent their six R superhero power and a brief description of how their six R ‘superpower’ helps us in school. Children may choose to do just one superhero design or a design for all six. The School Council will shortlist the designs with Mr Scott and all children will then vote for their favourite design for each of the six Rs. There will be a prize for the winning designers and their ‘superheroes’ will be printed as posters and stickers, to be displayed and used around the whole school and of course, on the school website! Designs should be handed to your class teacher by Friday 24th September.
The six Rs and school Diamond Rules
We are responsible: Do look after property
We are respectful: Do listen to people
We are resilient: Do work hard
We are resourceful: Do be helpful
We are reflective: Do be honest
We are reasoners: Do make the right choices
Parents' Evening
Parents’ Evening will be held later this term on 13th & 14th October. Following very positive feedback from the last two Parents’ Evenings which were held by video call, we are looking at the possibility of providing the option of either a virtual or face to face meeting with your class teacher for the next one. We appreciate that the same format will not suit every family and would like to know your preference, to help us with our planning. Please complete the form linked below to let us know, by Thursday 16th September. Thank you.
Parent Volunteers
There will be many opportunities for parents to help in school throughout the school year and we are looking particularly for parents and carers who can offer their time on a regular, weekly basis to support reading with the children. This can be in any year group, not just the year group your child is in. Many parents have already expressed an interest — thank you! If you are interested in volunteering, please inform your class teacher and look out for a letter from Mrs Davies next week with further information on our volunteering programme and next steps, including DBS checks and training.