Key Dates
Wednesday 10th November
PSA Teddy Bears' Picnic for Year 1
Thursday 11th November
School silence at 11.00 am to commemorate Armistice Day
PSA Committee meeting at 7:30 pm in school
Monday 15th November
Odd Socks Day - see below
Thursday 18th November
Oak class parent assembly at 9:00 am in the Large Hall
Year 3 visit to Southbank
Friday 19th November
BBC Children in Need mufti day - see below
Parent Council meeting at 9:00 am
Thursday 25th November
Elder class parent assembly at 9:00 am in the Large Hall
Monday 29th November
Year 5 workshop in school
Tuesday 30th November
Year 6 visit to the Natural History Museum
Wednesday 1st December
Year 5 workshop in school
Curriculum Evening for parents and carers - details to be confirmed
Thursday 2nd December
Ash class parent assembly at 9:00 am in the Large Hall
School Lunches
Please don't forget to order your child's lunches for this half-term. The menu is available to view on ParentPay.
If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, they are entitled to a free school lunch through the Government’s Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) scheme. Please remember that you must still order their lunches via ParentPay and select a meal from the menu for each day.
Home Learning & Class Updates
Don’t forget to log in to your year group Home Learning Google Classroom after 5:00 pm every Friday for a news update from your class teachers and a celebration of the week’s Diamond Work. You’ll also find curriculum maps, Home Learning Grids and English and maths resources under the Classwork tab.
School Photography Product Guide
Harvest Donations
Thank you to all the families who brought in donations for the Kingston Foodbank before half-term. They were dropped off by Mr Scott and every item was gratefully received.
School Photographs
The deadline for ordering your child’s school photograph with free delivery back to school is Sunday 14th November. Photographs must be ordered online using the login information on the proof card that has been sent home with your child.
If you have any queries or did not receive a proof card, please contact our school photographer, Kans Bahara, at In Time Photography, directly via email at:
Please refer to the guide attached below for detailed information on the products and packages available to purchase.
Friendship Week, Monday 15th - Friday 19th November
Later this month, Fern Hill will be celebrating Friendship Week! We'll kick off with Odd Socks Day on Monday 15th and end with Friendship Friday on the 19th when we’ll have a mufti day in support of the BBC Children in Need appeal. During the week, the children will take part in a number of different activities all designed to celebrate positive relationships and reinforce the values of a kind and compassionate school community.
On Monday 15th, children and staff are invited to wear their funkiest, oddest socks to show their uniqueness and their support for Odd Socks Day, a national initiative from the Anti-Bullying Alliance which marks the start of their annual Anti-Bullying Week. The children will be learning a special song in school all about the theme of ‘One Kind Word’.
Friday 19th is the BBC Children in Need Appeal Day and we are supporting this with our very own fundraising mufti day. The children don’t need to wear school uniform in return for a donation to Children in Need via our Children in Need Just Giving page.
We’ll be involving our parent and carer community too in Friendship Week with a workshop to share Fern Hill’s approach to building positive friendships and how we support the children to do this. The workshop will last around 30 minutes and begin directly after drop-off. There will be a choice of dates – please look out for further information on this next week.
We’re delighted to announce that class assemblies for parents and carers are back, and in person! It’s been a tight squeeze to schedule them all in before the end of the school year so apologies for the short notice on the assemblies for Oak, Elder and Ash classes this term.
You can find the date for your child’s class assembly on the website here.
Entry and exit will be via the external doors to the Large Hall (through the black gates by school reception) and not through the school building and we do ask that you wear a face covering, unless exempt, to keep everyone safe.
We plan to record the assemblies and upload them to the Google Classroom, for families to watch together at home too.
On Thursday 4th November, children joined nearly 120,000 other young people in the UK and Ireland (and over 11 million globally!) to celebrate Outdoor Classroom Day, a worldwide campaign to celebrate and inspire outdoor learning and play.
Outdoor learning improves children’s health, engages them with learning and leads to a greater connection with nature. Play not only teaches critical life skills such as resilience, teamwork and creativity, but is central to children’s enjoyment of childhood. At Fern Hill, each of our classes took one of their lessons outside...log in to your Home Learning Google Classroom to see what your class was up to!
Remembrance & The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
On Thursday 11th November, children will mark Armistice Day with a school silence at 11:00 am. During assemblies, they will be reflecting on heroes throughout history who have given up their lives for others. We’ll also be supporting the British Royal Legion’s Poppy Appeal; our Year 6 children will be selling poppies before and after school every day next week.
The overall winner this week is COOMBE
PSA News & Events
~ PSA Committee Meeting ~
The next PSA meeting will be held next Thursday 11th November at 7:30 pm. We will be discussing feedback from the very successful Fireworks Night, as well as finalising plans for lots of exciting events for the run-up to the Christmas break! Please do come along and have your say, we would love to see you there.
~ Fireworks Night ~
Thank you so much to everyone who attended the PSA Fireworks Night on Thursday. It was wonderful to welcome families back into school for this event, and brilliant to see so many excited faces enjoying the amazing display! Thank you especially to our fantastic team of volunteers who all helped to make the event run smoothly.
~ Year 1 Teddy Bears’ Picnic ~
The Year 1 Teddy Bears’ Picnic organised by your PSA will be held next Wednesday 10th November from 3:30 - 4:15 pm in the Large Hall. The tickets for this event are now sold out! A reminder that this event is for Year 1 children and their parent or carer only. Everyone attending must have a ticket, and unfortunately, due to capacity, we cannot include siblings.
~ Fern Hill PSA Facebook group ~
Your PSA now has a Facebook page! 🙌 Give it a LIKE to stay informed of upcoming events.