Key Dates
Tuesday 7th March
Year 2 Bracken class visit to Richmond Park
Wednesday 8th March
Year 2 Clover class visit to Richmond Park
Thursday 9th March
Rowan class parent assembly at 9:00 am in the Large Hall
Year 2 Heather class visit to Richmond Park
Friday 10th March
Chestnut class parent assembly at 9:00 am in the Large Hall
PSA Year 4 cake sale at 3:15 pm
Wednesday 15th March
Proposed strike action - please refer to communications from ParentPay for updates
Thursday 16th March
Proposed strike action - please refer to communications from ParentPay for updates
Friday 17th March
Comic Relief Red Nose Day - mufti (non-uniform) day
Monday 20th March
Year 2 visit to the British Wildlife Centre
Year 6 SATs parent meeting at 8:50 am
Wednesday 22nd March
Year 3 visit to Kew Gardens
Thursday 23rd March
Beech class parent assembly at 9:00 am in the Large Hall
Friday 24th March
Elm class parent assembly at 9:00 am in the Large Hall
PSA Year 3 cake sale at 3:15 pm
PSA Comedy Night from 7:00 pm in the Large Hall
Saturday 25th March
PSA Easter Egg Hunt for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 at 1:30 pm
Wednesday 29th March
Parents' Evening from 4:00 - 7:00 pm in school
Thursday 30th March - SCHOOL CLOSES AT 1:30 PM
Sycamore class parent assembly at 9:00 am in the Large Hall
Parents' Evening from 2:00 - 6:00 pm in school
Friday 31st March - SCHOOL CLOSES AT 1:30 PM
Last day of term & mufti (non-uniform) day
Monday 3rd April - Friday 14th April
Monday 17th April
Children return to school
Secondary Schools
Congratulations to our Year 6 children who received their offers of a secondary school place this week. Please don't forget that the deadline to accept or decline your offer is on Wednesday 15th March. You must do this via the eAdmissions website. If you will be taking up a place at an independent school, please let the school office know.
Google Classroom
Your year group weekly news is published every Friday afternoon on your child's Home Learning Google Classroom. Don't forget the home learning activities for this half-term that are due by Friday 24th March for the Home Learning Showcase.
Staying Safe Online
Thank you to all the parents and carers who joined us on Tuesday for Peter Cowley's workshop on how to keep children safe while they are online. It was a very informative session, and we will be putting together a bank of resources for you including information sheets on the social media applications that our children most often use. In the meantime, you can access Peter's presentation here.
This week's Times Tables Rock Stars class winners are Beech, Chestnut, Lime and Oak. Well done!
Wet weather gear needed!
Do you have any outgrown waterproof clothing or wellington boots that are suitable for Reception aged children? If so, we would love to have them for our Forest Fun sessions. Please drop any items off at the school office. Thank you.
Today we celebrated our love of reading with lots of different literacy related activities - and some pretty fantastic character costumes and cosy pyjamas...
We also launched the Spark! School Book Awards in school. The children were introduced to the books in their age category and over the next few weeks will have the opportunity to explore them further through online author events and spotlight videos. All the books are available for the children to read, either in the classroom or library.
Thank you to all the children who brought in their potato characters which were displayed in the library for everyone to admire!
We were delighted to have our brilliant PSA in school today for Bounce 4 Books. A huge thank you to all the parents and carers who gave up their time to help count the bounces - this event couldn’t run without your support.
Don’t forget to use your World Book Day £1 book token by Sunday 26th March; tokens were sent home with the children today. You can collect your free book from most bookshops and supermarkets, or use the voucher for a discount off another book. Find out more about the books here.
Parents' Evening will be held on Wednesday 29th March from 4:00 - 7:00 pm and Thursday 30th March from 2:00 - 6:00 pm. Please note that appointments will be in person only at school and will be available to book from 10:00 am on Thursday 9th March. A letter with further information and a link to the booking system will be sent next week.
School will close early on Thursday 30th March at 1:30 pm for children in Reception - Year 6. Nursery will run as normal until 3:25 pm.
Fulham FC Foundation Social Action Challenge Winners!
Earlier this year, three of our Year 6 pupils (Leila M, Lola C and Freya D) were shortlisted for the Fulham FC Foundation Social Action Challenge that they had entered in December whilst they were at the Girls Development Centre. They had created a proposal for a project to develop our Secret Garden at Fern Hill.
On Wednesday, the girls presented their proposal to a panel of six judges from Fulham FC and they WON! Their proposal was for a 'Bee Happy' Secret Garden. They won £100 towards improvements for the Secret Garden and the help of Fulham FC to implement their project. They were up against seven other teams all of whom were aged 15-17, so we think that you will agree this was a huge accomplishment. Watch this space for competitions the girls are planning to involve the whole school community in the project.
The overall winner this week is COOMBE!
PSA News & Events
Mother's Day Breakfast - Friday 17th March - help needed!
We are in desperate need of a dad or group of dads to run this event; unfortunately our event lead has had to step down at short notice. It is a straightforward event to run and the PSA have handover notes (and can give you lots of help), however traditionally this event is run by dads/male carers to give our lovely mums a bit of a break! Please message on the PSA WhatsApp group, or let your Class Rep know ASAP if you can help. Thank you!
Comedy Night - Friday 24th March
Our brilliant line up includes Jonny Awsum, Christian Reilly, Aideen McQueen, and Ninia Benjamin. Tickets cost £20 including your first drink.
Spread the word and bring your friends along! Book your tickets here!
Bag2School - Thursday 23rd March
Once again we will be running a Bag2School collection, enabling you to pass on unwanted clothing and helping the school to raise money! Bag2School specialises in the reuse and recycling of good quality second-hand items and the PSA will receive funds from the company based on the weight of what we collect. Please bring in your donations on Thursday 23rd March.
A reminder that the following items are accepted: men’s, women's and children’s clothing; paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around); handbags; hats, scarves, belts and ties; jewellery; lingerie and socks; soft toys; household linen, curtains, towels and bedding (bedsheets, pillow cases and duvet covers).
Please, NO duvets or blankets; pillows or cushions; carpets, rugs and mats (including bath, shower and toilet mats); soiled, painted, ripped or wet clothing; school uniform items with and without logo; corporate branded clothing and workwear; textile off cuts, yarns or threaded material.
Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday 25th March - tickets on sale next week!
Look out next week for an email with a link to buy tickets for our Easter Egg Hunt for Nursery and KS1 children. The event will run from 1:30 - 3:30 pm at school.