Key Dates
Tuesday 27th February
Author visit from Robert Tregoning for Year 1 & 2
Wednesday 28th February
Inclusion Coffee Morning at 9:00 am
Thursday 29th February
Year 2 Bracken class parent assembly at 9:00 am
Monday 4th March
Year 6 SATs parent meeting at 8:50 am in the Large Hall
Tuesday 5th March
Year 2 visit to the British Wildlife Centre
Wednesday 6th March
Year 4 visit to the Polka Theatre
Careers Fair in school for Year 5 & 6
Thursday 7th March
World Book Day celebrations in school
Year 1 Foxglove class parent assembly at 9:00 am
Friday 8th March
PSA Bounce for Books event in school
PSA Year 5 cake sale
Wednesday 13th March
Year 4 visit to the Polka Theatre
Thursday 14th March
Year 6 Willow class parent assembly at 9:00 am
Friday 15th March
Red Nose Day - further information to follow
PSA Mother's Day Breakfast
Key dates for this school year are published here. Some of these dates are provisional, and all dates are subject to change — please refer to this newsletter and communications via ParentPay for the latest information.
Click here for term dates including INSET days.
Lunchtime & after school clubs
All clubs have restarted this week, after the half term break, and will run up to and including week commencing 18th March. Technokids will run an additional session on Monday 25th March for their Monday clubs only. There will be no Mother Nature Science session on Monday 11th March. Booking for clubs for the summer term will open mid-March and we will send you further information nearer the time.
Year group weekly news
Don't forget to read your year group weekly news, published every Friday afternoon on Google Classroom. You'll also find this half-term's Home Learning Grids. Children's work should be completed in time for the final Home Learning Showcase of the spring term, on Friday 22nd March.
Before the half term break, we sent you a letter from Mrs Davies regarding our Careers Fair which is planned for the afternoon of Wednesday 6th March. We hope to showcase a varied range of careers and would welcome volunteers from our parent community at the Fair, to talk to the children about the jobs that they do. If you can help, please let us know by completing this linked form. Thank you.
Save the date for World Book Day on Thursday 7th March!
On Thursday 7th March, we'll be celebrating World Book Day with lots of fun book related activities including two special competitions. On World Book Day, children are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite book character. In the spirit of 'reading your way' and snuggling down with a good book, children are also welcome to wear their pyjamas (or anything that they feel comfortable in) for the day too!
Book character egg competition
We'd love the children to have a go at home at decorating an egg (or pebble) as a favourite literary character or topic. All their creations will be displayed in the library over the week of World Book Day, and winning entries announced on Thursday 7th. They can bring them in to school from Monday 4th.
Spark! Poetry Competition
Children can also enter our poetry competition, using the cover or title of one of the Spark! shortlisted books to inspire a poem that tells a story, develops a description or creates a mood. Poems should be handed to Miss Bennett or Mrs Rouillard by Tuesday 5th March. Their favourites will be entered into the Spark! Poetry Competition.
Inclusion Coffee Morning - ‘Managing Sleep, Routines & Worries’ Workshop
On Wednesday 28th February, we'll be holding an Inclusion Coffee Morning at school and all parents and carers are invited to join us for an introduction to a number of key concepts and strategies to support you in creating a healthy bedtime routine for your child. Delivered by a practitioner from the Mental Health Support Team for schools, the workshop will focus on the importance of sleep and its impact on child development and wellbeing, and explores key components in enhancing sleep quality.
We will explore how to promote positive behaviour, helping your child become more independent using praise and rewards for morning and evening routines, and focus on how to manage the common worries many children may have with bedtime to minimise their impact on sleep time and routines.
The workshop will run from 9:00 - 10:15 am and you can register here.
Parents' Evening
Parents' Evening will be held on Tuesday 26th March from 4:00 - 7:00 pm and Wednesday 27th March from 2:00 - 6:00 pm. Heather, Chestnut and Lime classes will have a different schedule for one of the days and if you have a child in those classes, you will already have received details of the change. Our Parents' Evening System will open for bookings on Monday 4th March and you will be sent further information next week.
Don't forget that on Wednesday 27th March school will close for children in Reception through to Year 6 at 1:30 pm; Nursery will finish as normal at 3:25 pm. Tree Tops will run from 1:30 pm to its usual finish of 6:00 pm.
Book of the Week
‘Mr Mornington’s Favourite Things’ by Karen George (Spark! Early Readers Shortlist)
Mr Mornington has A LOT of favourite things, which he enjoys sharing with his friendly young neighbour. They love spending time together, playing music and eating cherry cake! Then slowly, Mr Mornington starts to have trouble remembering things. It’s up to his neighbour and her mum to help remind him of all his favourite things.
‘Mr Mornington’s Favourite Things’ is a heartwarming, touching tale of friendship between generations and being there for our neighbours.
The overall winner this week is RICHMOND
PSA News & Events
Bounce for Books reminder
Don’t forget to help your child fill out their sponsorship form for Bounce for Books on Friday 8th March. All money raised from bouncing goes to buy new books for school!
Mother's Day Breakfast - Friday 15th March - helpers needed
We would love some more helpers for our Mother's Day Breakfast on Friday 15th March, especially dads and male carers, so that our mums can enjoy breakfast with their children. We are particularly in need of help in setting up and serving breakfast on the day (from 7.30 - 9:15 am). Please join the WhatsApp group or let your Class Rep know if you can help. Thank you!
Our School Lottery - you have to be in it, to win it!
A reminder that you can sign up to our school lottery here. You could win a weekly cash prize (the amount depends on how many people sign up), as well as a £25,000 jackpot, and you will be raising money for our school! Tickets cost £1 per week, and the first draw will take place on 9th March.
We need as many people as possible to sign up so we can raise lots of money for the school - and increase the weekly prize pot!