Fern Hill Primary School Newsletter
Newsletter 4 - Autumn Term - 11th October 2024
Key Dates
Monday 14th - Wednesday 16th October
Year 6 local visits to Ham
Wednesday 16th October
World Food Day - donations for the Kingston Foodbank welcome!
Friday 18th October
Home Learning Showcase for children in Years 1–6
Saturday 19th October
PSA Pumpkin Hunt for children in Nursery - Year 2
Tuesday 22nd October
Parents' Evening from 4:00 to 7:00 pm
Year 3 visit to Butser Ancient Farm
Wednesday 23rd October
Parents' Evening from 1:30 to 5:30 pm
Thursday 24th & Friday 25th October
INSET DAYS - the children are not in school
Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November ~ HALF-TERM BREAK
Monday 4th November
Children return to school
Wednesday 6th November
PSA Fireworks Night 5:45–7:30 pm
Thursday 7th November
Flu immunisations (Reception - Year 6)
Friday 8th November
PSA Year 3 cake sale after school
Monday 11th November
Year 4 Ancient Greece workshop in school
Key dates for this school year are published here. Some of these dates are provisional, and all dates are subject to change — please refer to this newsletter and communications via ParentPay for the latest information.
School lunches
Please don’t forget to place an order for school lunch through ParentPay by 8:00 am on the day. To avoid missing the deadline, we recommend that you order your child’s lunches for the full half-term in advance - you can cancel or amend those orders at any time up until 8:00 am on the day if anything changes.
Home Learning Grids for this half-term are posted on your child's Google Home Learning Classroom. Work should be completed in time for our Home Learning Showcase on Friday 18th October.
Garden Produce Sale
Our Gardening Club has been busy harvesting the vegetables growing in the Fern Hill gardens, and they will be running a Produce Sale after school on Tuesday 15th October. Please come along to support them - there will be cash donations only and all funds raised will be used to buy resources to maintain the gardens over the winter months.
School Photographs
Proof sheets with details of how to order your child's photograph have been sent home. Don’t forget to check their bag! The deadline for orders is Sunday 20th October for free delivery back to school.
To mark World Food Day on Wednesday 16th October, and support our local community, next week we will be collecting non-perishable foods for the Kingston Foodbank.
Donations can be dropped off from Monday morning and left on the trolley that will be just by the infants’ (KS1) playground gates. Click here for a list of items the Foodbank is most in need of right now. We will be accepting donations all week and at the end of this half-term, some of our Year 5 and 6 children will accompany Mrs Davies to the Kingston Foodbank to drop your donations off. Thank you for your support.
World Food Day is one of the most celebrated days on the United Nation's calendar. It commemorates the date of the founding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation in 1945 and promotes awareness of global hunger and action for the future of food, people and the planet. This year's theme is 'Right to foods for a better life and a better future' and promotes diversity, nutrition, affordability, and safety: a greater diversity of nutritious foods should be available in our fields, in our markets, and on our tables, for the benefit of all.
The world's farmers produce enough food to feed more than the global population, yet hunger persists. Around 733 million people are facing hunger in the world due to repeated weather shocks, conflicts, economic downturns, inequality, and the pandemic, impacting the poor and vulnerable most severely, many of whom are agricultural households, and reflecting widening inequalities across and within countries.
Parents' Evening
Parents’ Evening will be held on Tuesday 22nd October from 4:00–7:00 pm and Wednesday 23rd October from 1:30–5:30 pm.
You can now book a 10-minute in-person appointment with your class teacher through our Parents’ Evening System. The booking window will close at 10:00 am on Thursday 17th October.
A parents’ guide on how to book an appointment is available here.
Please be aware that appointments are bookable on a first come, first served basis. We encourage you to arrive early for your appointment so that you can look at your child's class books before you meet with your teacher. If you are scheduling an appointment for more than one child, please leave a suitable time gap between appointments.
If your child has a SEND review, you do NOT need to book a Parents’ Evening appointment as well. You will be informed seperately of the date and time of the SEND review.
School will close for children in Reception through to Year 6 at 1:00 pm on Wednesday 23rd October. After school clubs will run, but at the earlier time of 1:00 – 2:00 pm. Your child will be dismissed from the usual collection point at 2:00 pm. Tree Tops will run from 1:00 pm until the usual finish of either 4:30 pm or 6:00 pm for existing bookings. If your child is booked to attend Tree Tops after a club (i.e. they have a late half session), they should go to Tree Tops as normal at 2:00 pm.
For any questions regarding booking an appointment, please contact the school office.
Congratulations and THANK YOU to our Fern Hill Runners!
Last Sunday, past parents, current parents and staff took part in the Kingston 10K Run. Thank you to all our families and staff who sponsored the team and to those who were out on the course cheering us all on. We are delighted to have raised £1,400 (including gift aid)!
These funds will go towards supporting the health and well-being of the children in both KS1 and KS2. Some of us find our happy place being active, whether that is running, playing a team ball game, or being part of a game of tag. But this is not for everyone, and we are going to provide the quieter areas of the playgrounds, e.g. the reading sheds and the Secret Garden, with resources and equipment for those children who do not want to be running around or kicking a ball at lunchtime. Thank you for your support!
Fern Hill Runners
Flu Immunisation
On Thursday 7th November, the School Health Immunisation Team will be in school to administer the flu vaccine. This is available to all children from Reception to Year 6 and will be given in the form of a nasal spray vaccine, or as an injectable porcine free vaccine.
A letter from the Immunisation Team with further information, including a link to their electronic consent form, is available here. You must provide your consent in order for your child to have the vaccine and the closing date for giving consent is Monday 4th November.
All questions about vaccine suitability, and whether your child can have it on the day if unwell, should be directed to the Immunisation Team (contact details in the linked letter).
Team Points
The overall winner this week is Hampton
Fern Hill PSA News & Events
Click here for Fern Hill PSA's new-look weekly newsletter.