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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Transition to Secondary School

Applications for September 2024 start

Children born between 1st September 2012 and 31st August 2013 are due to start year seven at secondary school in September 2024.

Use the eAdmissions website from 1st September to apply online for your child’s secondary school place. 

You can name up to six schools in your application including academy or free schools and schools in other council areas.

The closing date for applications is 31st October 2023. You will be sent an email during the evening of 1st March 2024 to tell you the outcome of your application. You will also be able to view this information by logging in to the eAdmissions website. 

If you do not live in the borough, you need to apply through your own council, and you can include Kingston schools in your application.

Further Information

Further information, including the 2024 Kingston Admissions brochure, details of secondary school open events and the Kingston school brochure, is published on the Kingston Council website.

The AfC Transfer to Secondary School guide takes you through the application process and answers many of the common questions.

Please note that the Kingston Council website includes schools in the Kingston borough only. For schools in the Richmond borough, please see the Richmond Council website. The application process for Richmond borough schools is also via the eAdmissions website.

Support or Questions

Kingston Schools Admission team can be contact via email for support at:

Information on the secondary school destinations of our 2023 Year 6 pupils is attached below.

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