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Fern Hill Primary School

Fern Hill Primary School

Parent Council

Since its launch in 2016, the Parent Council has proven to be a unique forum for gathering, discussing and conveying the views of parents and carers directly to the school. It has also played an important role in ensuring that families are aware of new initiatives which benefit the children and wider school community.

As a school, we believe that the Parent Council offers a forum where all parents can be assured that their views matter, and where they can feel confident and comfortable putting them forward.

Every year group has at least one representative on the Council which meets once every half-term during the school day.

The Parent Council's Terms of Reference and a list of this year's Parent Council members are attached below.   

If you would like further information or to give us your feedback, please contact the Parent Council directly at

During the 2021/2022 school year, the Parent Council will meet on the following dates:

Meeting Date Time Venue
1 Friday 8th October 2021 9.00am Hawthorn classroom
2 Friday 19th November 2021 9.00am Hawthorn classroom
3 Friday 14th January 2022 9.00am Hawthorn classroom
4 Friday 11th March 2022 9.00am Hawthorn classroom
5 Friday 13th May 2022 9.00am Hawthorn classroom
6 Friday 24th June 2022 9.00am Hawthorn classroom

Inspiration Collaboration Empathy Excellence