Key Dates
Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th December
Christmas tree sale outside school
Thursday 17th December
Class Christmas party day - mufti (non-uniform) day
Virtual pantomime performance in school
Friday 18th December - last day of term & mufti (non-uniform) day
SCHOOL CLOSES AT 1:30 PM - staggered dismissal times are in place (see below)
Saturday 19th December
Christmas tree sale outside school
Monday 21st December - Friday 1st January
Monday 4th January
INSET Day - children are not in school
Tuesday 5th January
Children return to school
Monday 25th - Thursday 28th January
Parent Consultations by telephone
Thursday 28th January
Monday 15th - Friday 19th February
School Lunches for the Spring Term
Lunches for the first half of the spring term are now available to book online via ParentPay. Please don’t forget to book your child’s lunches for the first week back (week commencing 4th January) by midnight on Sunday 13th December. Lunches for the second week back (week commencing 11th January) must be booked by midnight on Sunday 3rd January. You can find further information about school lunches on the website here.
End of Term Arrangements
Friday 18th December is the last day of term and school will close early. To manage footfall on the school site, collection times will be staggered as follows:
1:25 pm - Year 6 & Year 4
1:30 pm - Year 5 & Reception
1:35 pm - Year 3 & Year 2
1:40 pm - Year 1
There are two mufti days planned, one on Thursday 17th (to celebrate the Christmas party day) and another on Friday 18th (the usual end of term mufti day). Children may wear their own clothes to school - but no football strips please!
If your child is attending Tree Tops on Friday 18th December, don’t forget the session will run from the end of the school day and will end promptly at 4:30 pm.
Year Group Newsletters
Yesterday, children and staff enjoyed Christmas Lunch together. We’d like to say a huge thank you to our wonderful catering team, Vicky, Karen, Venus and Sally-Anne, for serving up the delicious feast. A special thanks to Mrs Hutchinson and Mrs Kalma too who lent a hand.
Christmas Party Day
Thursday 17th December is Christmas Party Day! Please remember to provide your child with a NUT-FREE party packed lunch. If your child is in receipt of Free School Meals, a packed lunch will be provided by school. Please note that this does not include children who receive the Universal Free School Meal in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. If you have ordered a school lunch via ParentPay for this day, your order will be cancelled and your account credited. Thank you to all families for helping to make this a festive occasion by sending in crackers and tableware.
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day, we’ve just reached our fundraising goal of £650!
There’s still time to donate via our JustGiving page – it will be available for a few more days.
The children looked fabulous in their Christmassy knits!
And the winners are...!
Following the heats, fifteen children went through to the Fern Speak Finals which were held at the end of November. Their performances were filmed and every child from Year 4 through to 6 had the opportunity to watch them from their classroom bubble and vote for their favourite.
Congratulations to our overall winners: Silvia in Willow class, Luka in Larch class and Alex in Oak class. Well done to all our amazing finalists...
We'd like to say a heartfelt 'Thank You' to the PSA for their creative fundraising this term. Despite all the challenges faced, they have worked so hard to represent the school and wider community and look for new ways to raise much needs funds. Thank you too to all our families who have supported the events and activities, by donating, volunteering their time or simply spreading the word. We are delighted to say that the digital cameras have arrived! Every class will have one for the start of the spring term.
The overall winner this week is KINGSTON
PSA News & Events
We hope you loved the pottery star your child brought home this week! Thank you once again to Studio 432 on Ham Parade.
Festive Donations
Thank you to all the families who have donated via the PSA JustGiving page to help us cover the costs of the pottery stars project and the virtual pantomime the children are watching next Thursday. Given our very limited ability to fundraise this term, we are very grateful for any amount to help us towards our target of £3,000.
Virtual Christmas Market
Don’t forget our Virtual Christmas market page is now live on Facebook. It's a great opportunity to browse unique and handcrafted creations and support our school community. To view the stalls, please click on the following link
If you would like to become a stall holder we are asking for a donation of £10 to post on the page. Please email the PSA at: for more information.
Christmas Tree Sales – at the school
Don’t forget Niki and her team will be outside school THIS WEEKEND with our annual Christmas Tree sale. They will also be selling trees on Saturday 19th December.
Trees are priced as follows: 3-4ft = £30; 4-5ft = £35; 5-6ft = £40; 6-7ft =£45; 7-8ft = £50