Key Dates
Saturday 19th December
Christmas tree sale outside school
Monday 21st December - Friday 1st January
Monday 4th January
INSET Day - children are not in school
Tuesday 5th January
Children return to school
Monday 25th - Thursday 28th January
Parent Consultations by telephone
Thursday 28th January
Monday 15th - Friday 19th February
Monday 4th January is an INSET day and the children are not in school. The first day back after the Christmas break is Tuesday 5th January when school will start at the usual time. Please note that staggered drop off times will still be in place next term.
Year 5 Dismissal Time
From January, children in Year 5 will be dismissed at the slightly earlier time of 3:25 pm. Their collection locations will stay the same. Ash class and Lime class will also return to their usual classrooms.
Parent Consultations
Parent Consultations will be held slightly earlier next term during the week commencing 25th January. The meetings will be held by telephone, following the same format as those we ran in October. You will be able to book your telephone appointment at the start of next term and we will send you more information via ParentPay on Monday 4th January. Please note that school will close at 2:00 pm on Thursday 28th January.
There are no Year Group Newsletters this week. Home Learning Grids for the spring term will be available the first week back in January.
We hope you enjoy watching the children’s Festive Celebrations that are now uploaded to Google Classroom – and to Tapestry for Nursery and Reception. Everyone had great fun rehearsing and filming for a very different but very special end of term concert. Instructions on how to access Google Classroom are available on the website here.
Everyone in the school office would like to say a huge thank you for all the gifts and festive wishes received this week. They are quite overwhelmed and very grateful!
Thank you for your generosity! This term we have raised over £2,700 for charity through our dedicated JustGiving pages: £1,593.00 plus £263.50 in gift aid for BBC Children in Need and £769.06 plus £132.75 in gift aid for Save the Children.
A message from Mr Scott
As we come to the end of what has been, without doubt, a term like no other, I would like to thank you for your continued support and well wishes. Every member of the Fern Hill staff team really do appreciate your kind words and ongoing encouragement. We have worked tirelessly together to ensure that your children are happy, safe and continue to grow their love of learning, while at the same time addressing the gaps in their knowledge and understanding that are a result of this unprecedented year.
It has been a joy to see your children with smiles on their faces and I have been hugely impressed with the wonderfully positive attitudes and levels of engagement they have all displayed throughout the term.
I do hope that you find the time to rest and recharge over the festive break and that the children return refreshed for a new term.
My very best wishes to you all for a peaceful Christmas and a brighter year ahead.
The children had a wonderful Christmas party day yesterday and were treated to a fabulous virtual pantomime - Sleeping Beauty. Thank you so much to the PSA for funding this. Nursery watched their own special Christmas show and were lucky enough to have a socially distanced visit from Father Christmas who delivered class gifts. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 were also given class Christmas gifts – another thank you to the PSA!
Christmas Contact Tracing
You will have received a letter from Mr Scott on 11th December regarding COVID-19 contact tracing over the Christmas break. Just as a reminder: if your child tests positive for COVID-19 after the school has closed and up until Thursday 24th December, you must contact us via the school mobile phone on 07930 171 164 to let us know. We will then inform our community appropriately. If the phone is not answered, please leave a message with your name, your child’s name and class and your contact telephone number and a member of staff will call you back as soon as possible.
If your child tests positive for COVID-19 after Thursday 24th December, you do not need to contact us to tell us your child is isolating until Monday 4th January when we reopen at 8:00 am. You should contact the school office as normal by email at or by telephone on 020 8247 0300.
Please only contact us if your child tests positive for COVID-19. There is no need to inform us if a member of your child’s household tests positive for COVID-19 or if your child or a member of their household is having a test.
Team Points
At the end of term, the number of team points each House receives is allocated based on their position (1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th) each week of the term. It's such a close one!
The overall winner for this term is COOMBE - well done!
PSA News & Events
As we prepare for the festive holidays, we wanted to thank everyone for their support throughout this extraordinary year.
It has been challenging maintaining our core aims of providing events for the children and bringing together the wonderful Fern Hill community however, with your continued support, we have managed to fund the following:
- Cannon digital camera bundles – for the children to use for class projects. Identical cameras for each class will make it easier for the children to use them. A special thanks to Karen Tranter for her help.
- A defibrillator – already installed outside the school office.
- Class Christmas gifts for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 & Year 2.
- Pottery Stars Art – for every child to take home a festive gift.
- A virtual Christmas pantomime – for the whole school to enjoy.
- Reading books.
- Classroom supplies.
Don’t forget, it’s not too late to donate to help us reach our fundraising goal for this year. Just follow this link:
The PSA would like to take this opportunity to wish all Fern Hill families a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in 2021!